Want to make the transition BUT worried about gaining

elfo Posts: 353 Member

This is a pic of my groceries last week. I am definitely incorporating a lot more veggies, but I'm scared to add in fruits b/c of the calories (sugar). I started my journey at 220lbs coming back from Carb Country (Italy) and have lost 28 lbs (in about 3 months) by increasing my protein and veggies and cutting out carbs. I do have 2 tbs of oat bran/ day and have started adding in more low-fat dairy, but I miss having things like Quinoa, lentils, honey, avocados.... I am so scared that I will stop loosing weight and even more scared to put on more weight--
Should I get to my goal weight THEN make the transition into a raw food/whole foods lifestyle, or can I continue to loose by adding these things into my diet???



  • jodibefitvegan
    jodibefitvegan Posts: 10 Member
    I personally feel best when I eat mostly raw. I add a little cooked food to one of my daily meals. Usually it is quinoa, beans, or a sprouted grain wrap. I work out pretty hard and live in the midwest, so I have found it difficult to eat 100% raw. If you are eating a variety of good quality food, and staying within your carb/fat/sugar/protein guidelines, I don't think you should eliminate healthy foods like avocados and fruit. You certainly don't want to slow your metabolism down.

    I am not an expert. I also do not always stick to what I know makes me feel and look best. I think it is important to find a balance that keeps you on track, while at the same time accomplishing your goals. I'm closer to getting that balance than i ever have been!

    Hope this helps! You seem pretty serious about your diet.
  • poochibear
    poochibear Posts: 2 Member
    The low carbs diet is one way to go. The keto diet is low carbs+high fat. The raw food diet has low protein and lots of carbs. If you cut out the nuts and seeds, you're safe and will lose weight. I am a vegan, raw food lover (about 95%...black coffee is my poison of choice, and some cooked salad dressings like tahini, hummus, peanut butter). To answer your question, carbs is ok as long as there is ZERO fat. So it's better to avoid the quinoa lentils and honey. Another tip: weigh every day. Your progress could be saw-toothed (zig zag up and down) from day to day, buy over the week, it should either be stable or show a downward trend. Good luck and congratulations on losing thus far. You are doing it right!