6 Week follow up from 1st diagnosis

SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
I had a 6 week check up with my PC this morning since being diagnosed. My appointment went really well. My blood pressure is normal and according to his scale I have lost 9lbs. (according to my scale, it's more like 12lbs!) We talked about my testing numbers and because for the most part I can keep them in the very low 100s through out the day, he said I could start testing my BGL once a day rather than 3! YAY!!!!

He said that I should do it first thing in the morning because the liver produces sugar and it will always be higher in the morning. You should have seen the look on his face when I told him my bgl last night before going to bed was 146, due to eating a sweet potato, and this morning it was 102. I told him my numbers are usually lower in the morning.

I haven't completed the diabetes classes yet but I think that when I eat a new food I will check my blood levels since I won't know it will affect me. He wants me to get another set of blood tests done but I couldn't do it this morning since I ate breakfast before I went in. Next week I will have a new A1C # and if it is good/lower he won't see me for 6 months for a follow up.

Today was a good day I think. :smile:


  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    Sounds like you had a really good appointment - congrats!

    It's funny how everybody is different. My highest number of the day is always first thing in the morning, so when I am testing once a day, it makes sense for me to do it then. If your mornings are your lowest, it might make sense for you to test at a different time, although that's the only time you will get closest to a true fasting number.

    It's a great idea to test yourself when you eat new foods, so that you can figure out exactly what you can and can't eat. Sticking myself doesn't bother me, so if I'm eating something new, I test right before, one hour after, and two hours after. I have a certain number for the one hour and two hour marks, and if a food causes me to spike over either one of those numbers, they go straight to my do not eat list. I went through a lot of test strips the first couple of months after diagnosis, but now I know pretty well exactly what I can eat and how it affects my levels.

    Sounds like you are off to a great start. Good luck with your A1C next week.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Great appt. I have read that women tend to be lowest in the morning and men not. Guess that makes me a man because my worse readings of the day are almost always mornings.

    It is a good idea to eat to your meter. What makes you go high may not do the same to me and vice versa. Always remember that pastas tend to have a slower digestion and may shoot you up at 3 hrs instead of 2. I read about that and tested. Had to stop eating pasta but my BG is in very poor control if I eat any carbs. Too many veggies can even cause me problems.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Hmmm I didn't know that about pasta. I guess since next week is the nutrition class I can ask a lot of questions about that kind of stuff. Right now I am eating under 100 grams of carbs a day. Sometimes it may be low but generally it is good. Sometimes I eat something and it makes my blood sugar on the highish side but I don't feel the effects of it.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Great appointment. Congrats. You'll find the classes very helpful but in the meantime you can do your own research on the web. Check out The American Diabetes Association website. http://www.diabetes.org/ I've found it invaluable throughout the years. I also use WebMD.com
  • mahutch1
    mahutch1 Posts: 37 Member
    Congrats! Good news is always great! I have problems with my morning numbers most of the time. They're anywhere from 100-125. Exercising has helped keep them lower. I test three times a day. In the morning and then after two meals. I pretty much have my breakfast foods tweaked so I do lunch and dinner. I find that sometimes a food that doesn't cause a spike will cause one out of the blue. I guess it depends on "CPS" -- Couch Potato Syndrome. Anyways, I always test new foods and for the most part, my BGL is usually below 140 after two hours. My new doc wants it below 160 after two hours but I think he's nuts. The closer to 120 the better I say.

    Anyways, good for you and keep up the good work!