Should I do it??

danipals Posts: 143 Member
So my Half is coming up two weeks from tomorrow. Before I signed up for the half my husband and I, along with our three kids (11, 9, 7) all signed up for the 5k at the race the night before. The Illinois Marathon offers something called the I-Challenge which is running the 5k and either the Half or Full the next day. My husband is a seasoned runner and is running the full and has done the I-Challenge in the past as well as this year. I can't decide if I should do it or not! As much as I'd love to complete the 5k with the rest of the family I am worried that it will make the Half the next day that much harder. Not necessarily just the miles but the adrenaline dump as well. If I plan to take it slow, my family will all finish before me anyway so its not that we will actually run together, but it will be kind of cool to have the I-Challenge medal to add to my small collection. I just don't know! It would be an easier decision if I wasn't running with a friend and didn't want to jeopardize our race. What do you think I should do?


  • sakamanojr
    sakamanojr Posts: 378 Member
    How strong do you feel ?
    If you just run the 5k at a fun pace then you can really enjoy the BA experience AND get a cool MEDAL for the Challenge when you do the Half the next day.
    Trust your instincts. Rather than get nervous I try to revel in the knowledge that I am ready for this running challenge in front of me because of all the training I have completed. The actual results are less relevant as it is just one day and my training is over a period of months.

    Good luck and send me any questions if I have confused you more.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    You should be ok running your 5k the day before your half. It might help you relax and sleep better that night. I was so wound up before my half, I don't think I slept 2 hours. Plus you'll be with your family. Good luck!
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks ladies. I think my sister is going to try the 5k too and she isn't running at all right now so will probably walk/run. I may hang with her just to say I did it! Kind of wimping out but still there!
