Are you single by choice??



  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Tired of being single, but having no luck. Have tried dating sites, a matchmaking service, trying to get out and do things, and I've had no luck. It's not even that I'm meeting the wrong one (although I have met some of those through the matchmaking service) I'm not even meeting anyone.... just not sure what I'm doing wrong....

    Im sure your not doing anything WRONG...
    Maybe your just looking too hard. :o)
    Get out and have some fun and let that be the last thing on your mind.
    When you least expect it, it will happen.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Tired of being single, but having no luck. Have tried dating sites, a matchmaking service, trying to get out and do things, and I've had no luck. It's not even that I'm meeting the wrong one (although I have met some of those through the matchmaking service) I'm not even meeting anyone.... just not sure what I'm doing wrong....

    Im sure your not doing anything WRONG...
    Maybe your just looking too hard. :o)
    Get out and have some fun and let that be the last thing on your mind.
    When you least expect it, it will happen.
    Tried that too, didn't work either
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Tired of being single, but having no luck. Have tried dating sites, a matchmaking service, trying to get out and do things, and I've had no luck. It's not even that I'm meeting the wrong one (although I have met some of those through the matchmaking service) I'm not even meeting anyone.... just not sure what I'm doing wrong....

    Im sure your not doing anything WRONG...
    Maybe your just looking too hard. :o)
    Get out and have some fun and let that be the last thing on your mind.
    When you least expect it, it will happen.
    Tried that too, didn't work either

    I think its when we try the hardest we lose the most.
    You will find that special somebody when its meant to be. :o)
  • danni033081
    danni033081 Posts: 40 Member
    Right now single by choice. Just getting back to concentrating on myself and getting back into shape. Trying to get myself right physically and mentally before I try to date but I don't mind having friends just to hang out with and get me out the house :)
  • nray3119
    nray3119 Posts: 100 Member
    I guess I am single by choice because I kicked him out, but I hate being alone. Would rather be alone than with the wrong person though. Does that make sense?
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    I have a hard time not being single. I don't meet a lot of people near my age and then when I do they are either unavailable or have deal-breaker habits/qualities like chewing tobacco.With how long I've been single vs how short of time I'm dating, I don't know whether it's a choice now or just a habit I am having trouble breaking - it would be helpful if I could meet more people so I could have more choices.
  • JadedSouls
    JadedSouls Posts: 136 Member
    Not necessarily by choice but can't seem to find the right, or close to right, kind of guy for me. I'm not a picky girl but there has to be some sort of connection either physically, mentally or emotionally for me to get involved with someone. I'm not just going to settle :)
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    If I'd answered this question a few months ago, I would have said No, I'm not single by choice. BUT, if I'm honest now, I'm single by choice for multiple reasons.

    I had both the "one that got away" and my "first real relationship" both come back into my life in the last 6 months. I literally had to shut the door by my own choice because I remembered why neither worked and knew I deserved better. So I chose to be single even though one was actually begging me for a relationship.

    But on the other hand, I also think I'm single by choice because I'm not doing anything about changing my sitation. I'm uncomfortable when random guys approach, don't like online dating, etc... so how WOULD I expect to meet someone?! Until I am ready to let go of my hangups and face my fear of rejection, I am chosing to be single...even if it's subconsciously.
  • JonGrandi88
    JonGrandi88 Posts: 137
    I am Certainly Single By Choice After The Last Girl Completely Mooched Off Of Me and ehhh cheated haha but it's all the past now! But that's not to say if some girl came into my world I surely would give it a shot! It's Time to move on so where all them single ladies at :)
  • clhutch76
    clhutch76 Posts: 24 Member
    I tend to go with the flow, I have my moments when I'm lonely and wish i had someone, but I also am enjoying being able to watch my daughter grow up. I want to find love some day....she's going to be 13 and says she wants me to date...but I know i have to be comfortable with myself and I let my weight keep me from doing that. So I"m on a journy to fix it :) feel free to add me :)
    KCMO 36
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    I'd rather be single than try to be with someone that 1) doesn't want to be with me or 2) isn't the right person for me

    It's just unfortunate that mr. right has yet to realize how awesome I am =)
  • BabyGrl726
    BabyGrl726 Posts: 102 Member
    Not sure if its by choice or not. I definitely think my expectations are a bit high. But being a single mom with a little girl, I don't want to settle. I have changed a lot through the horrible relationships I have had. I learned so much about myself and how my up bringing has affected how I interact with my partners.

    I would like to meet a nice man, who will love US unconditionally. In the meantime, it's a lonely lonely life as far as adult companionship goes. My daughter (3) fills the rest of my world with joy.
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    In a way, yes I'm single by choice, but I'm so over being single. I'm 29 and have never had a relationship...but I think a big part of that is my educational history (I went to an all-girls school between grades 5 and 12 and completed a predominantly all-girls degree) and my shyness with guys.

    I have had dates here and there, but have often realised after 3 dates that it ain't going to happen! Majority of the guys who have ever been interested in me, have only wanted one thing from me. I refuse to comply! I'm not adjusting my morals/values just because a guy is only interested in casual sex.

    Seriously though, do I have "I only want to sex you up" look?
  • avalentineb
    avalentineb Posts: 58 Member
    I'm a single mother by choice. I was 2 months pregnant and chose to be single rather than get married for the wrong reasons. I'm not sure if I'm ready to date yet. It would be nice to have someone interested, but what would I do if there was? I dont know; am I hiding behind my son if I say he's too young for me to go out yet? The reality is that I dont know how to be a mom and a girlfriend right now. I'd like to think that once I figure out how to balance those aspects, I'll be ready.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    Single by choice. I ended my marriage (this time) and could easily have it back but I just can't settle for that mess anymore. There's a few others waiting in the wings that I'd rather not settle for either. I'm enjoying my privacy and alone time entirely too much to give that up right now for something I know I will eventually end anyway.
  • AmberNicole327
    I don't like being single. But in my area, I am not the typical "type".
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    No I'm not. I'm just plain tired of being single :sad:
  • tugboatme1
    tugboatme1 Posts: 23 Member
    Im not single by choice. i want to find that 1 4 me. i hate being single im tired of being alone.
  • MickeyGeorge
    MickeyGeorge Posts: 9 Member
    Sort of. I didn't do the leaving but I am the one that made the decision to divorce. Did I really have a choice?
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I guess I'm single by choice. I have no kids and just never found true love. My expectations are pretty high I guess. Right now, I'm more focused on getting in shape and working on my career. I'd be open to the right guy but I'm in no hurry. I guess at this point I don't really want kids - just a companion who'd be fun to spend the rest of my life with and who'd love to travel on occasion.