Silly Phase One Observations



  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Has anyone noticed in either Workout 5 or 6 how David totally stares at his arms while doing one of the biceps moves? Can't remember which video it is but you can see him in the background totally checking out his biceps as he's he's thinking, "Dang, I look good".

    Maybe after a haircut and a shower but otherwise, I'm thinking not hot.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    You girls had me laughing!!!! I too pee myself due to having two sons who each weighed over 10 pounds and of course AGE, glad I am not the only one who does this! I wonder if the girls with Jillian wear panty liners etc;;????
    I am leary now of the upcoming workouts due to your responses of the not so liked female! I think every workout series I have done(P90X,Insanity & Chalene X treme, Turbo Fire & Bob Harper's) have someone who irritates me! Sorry Tony Horton fans but in P90X I had to shut the volume down most workouts cuz I could NOT stand his comments!!:grumble:
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    I noticed David checking himsself out too. He must be thinking "I'm so hot right now" Ummm. No.

    The girls must not wear pantiliners, didn't you see the sweat in the crotch of one of the blonde girls in Phase I?
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    You girls had me laughing!!!! I too pee myself due to having two sons who each weighed over 10 pounds and of course AGE, glad I am not the only one who does this! I wonder if the girls with Jillian wear panty liners etc;;????
    I am leary now of the upcoming workouts due to your responses of the not so liked female! I think every workout series I have done(P90X,Insanity & Chalene X treme, Turbo Fire & Bob Harper's) have someone who irritates me! Sorry Tony Horton fans but in P90X I had to shut the volume down most workouts cuz I could NOT stand his comments!!:grumble:

    I tried P90X as well, and had to mute his voice- totally iritating:)
  • hiitrocks
    hiitrocks Posts: 100
    I haven't started Phase one yet but have been looking through the workouts to see what they are all about and in cardio one, on the last suicides, I think Jillian is totally distracted as her pants are sliping down. I never took notice till someone else kept saying she was always pulling her pants up in her other workout videos...anyway, Natalie is totally outrunning her and then at the end when she collapses, her pants have come down a bit too far and you can see a bit of crackage
  • kylexii
    kylexii Posts: 47
    Those videos are hilarious!!! Grrr!! I can't stand her either!!! The other person I can't stand is Kenta with his "sexy" looks he gives the cameras!!

    hahah, I actually love Kenta! He just looks so happy throughout the workout and it rubs off on me haha (:

    but I agree with you all, "shaking it" is really annoying! & one of the blonde girls, the one that Jillian says smiles bigger when things get crazy, I can't take her seriously. Jillian might say that, but that girl never seems to bump up the intensity. Anita is much better for that I think (:
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    OMG I can NOT stop laughing at all of this!! Thank you for making my day!! :laugh:
  • jens_mission
    jens_mission Posts: 53 Member
    I don't mind the suicides either. I am so with you on #9 and the pantyliners.
  • Diandra81
    Diandra81 Posts: 128 Member
    Hahaha glad to know people dislike Sari as much as I do!

    Omar....I used to LOVE him back when he was a dancer for Janet Jackson! He's incredible!

    David and I was wish I had their jumping ability! They can jump like 4 feet off the ground lol
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    Hey I'm starting Phase 2 on Monday--- anyone have any interesting observations for 5,6 and Cardio 2 yet? LOL I need to know what to laugh at!!!! hehehe
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member

    5. Mimi again - I love her version of "Good Mornings"!

    6. Not sure of her name, but when Jillian asks who else can rock "fast feet" she gets REALLY into it! "UGH! UGH! I'M SHAKING IT!" Makes me crack up!

    Mimi is by far my fave! I love her!!!! I can't remember that girls name either, but to me, that part "i'm shakin it" is just extremely annoying, but I still have to watch it.
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    The "I'm shaking it" girl is a spotlight wanna-be, in my opinion...LOL!! It's like she's just sitting there waiting for Jillian to pick on her so she can show off. Cannot stand her!

    Yes!!! Completely agree!!!! I'm so glad there are other people that feel the same way I do.
  • cookieta76
    cookieta76 Posts: 91 Member
    Going to have to think of new observations for Phase 2. Poor Anita - I definitely noticed her "sweat" during sumo squats, I think. How can you not? So I think she might be in need of a pantiliner!

    A few times now, I've noticed some of the girls not doing much AT ALL when they think the camera is not on them. I forget which workout it is, but the blonde that is on the right of Jillian almost completely stops one of the moves and I'm shouting at my TV - "She's not even doing it!!" My husband told me to keep it down. And then right at the end of the 10 second countdown, she must think the camera is back on her, because she gives a big smile and finally does the move to finish. I've also noticed Natalie do this too. And in workout 5(?) Jillian comes up to Natalie and Natalie quickly snaps, "My obliques are engaged!" and Jillian says, "You wouldn't patronize me would you?" That Jillian, she takes no crap - I love it.

    I loved when she has Omar do fast feet and he stops very suddenly after starting. He gives her this look like he's all that, then when he sees that she's not pleased he jumps right back into doing them. So cute/funny.

    There's more....I'll have to think of them.

  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I just started week 2. But I have to laugh during work out one's warrior pose when Jillian says "Lets get all zen up in here!" lol
  • KGTraxler
    KGTraxler Posts: 144
    BAHAHAHAHA! I truly love all of these comments. I have to say, as annoying as some of the cast members can be, I love that Jillian Michaels features people of all body types. I'm built more like "the annoying girl whose name we don't know" so I appreciated seeing how toned and healthy look on other people. Natalie has a fantastic body, and I really like Mimi's too. I also like Kerry Ann's; she looks like the girl next door especially with her smile. I think she only smiles so she doesn't mouth off to Jillian or really punch her, haha!
  • taahine01
    taahine01 Posts: 120 Member
    Haha LOVE this!! :happy: :happy:

    For me, running man is harder than the suicides.....don't mind the warrior pose also....
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Bumping this for those of your on Phase 1.
  • PierdoPeso
    PierdoPeso Posts: 25
    I just finished Phase 1 yesterday, and you guys all have me cracking up! I guess guys look at things in a different way! Sari just makes me laugh. I found myself thinking that her backside was surprisingly shapely. "Come and get some!" Anita's just a little too prim and proper for my taste. Mimi is fun, but the way she was sucking up to Jillian during one of the early workouts really irritated me. She did grow on me, though.
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    Still in phase 1... Finished day 4 today...I have to say I find Natalie annoying...when JM is doing the quad stretch and demonstrates on a friend and she inches that JM shoves her over...which one is hollow man? The one like the mummy kick? As for running man...that one seems to assume a certain degree of coordination which I apparently lack the gene trait!
  • gfjadfs
    gfjadfs Posts: 1 Member
    BTW - It is Kenta Seki in the video not Kent Seki at the end of workout 12