Up my calories slow or fast?

XOchocolate Posts: 95 Member
Hi everybody !

Just jump on the band wagon and up my calories yesterday. According to my calculations I up them to 2000 calories. I started on mfp at 1200 in Jan and lost 12.5 lbs then I up them them to 1400 three weeks ago and gained 1.7 lbs. So what I would like to know is should I just jump them up to 2000 calories right away or do a little at a time. If so how little and for how long.
Thank you!


  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    I just started on Tuesday, and I did a quick jump from 1300 to 1900. Just figured my small reserve of patience was put to better use tolerating an initial gain rather than on a slow calorie upping process. I actually dropped initially before going up a bit, but I'm still netting below my Eat More start weight. And I've even been eating back some of my exercise calories when I've been hungry or feeling sluggish.
  • XOchocolate
    XOchocolate Posts: 95 Member
    First of all thank you for your reply!

    I am still a little confused in what to do. So do you think that if I just jump right up to 2000 (my tdee 2367-15%= 2011.95) that we may get a bigger gain but our metabolism will start to respond better. So if I just do it gradual like maybe 1600, 1800, 2000 weekly I will see smaller gains but my metabolism will just take a little longer to get in the groove;)
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    I jumped from straight from 1200 to 2100 last Monday and actually dropped 5 lbs in this first week.
  • XOchocolate
    XOchocolate Posts: 95 Member
    Wow!!! That's amazing!!!
    Did you do cardio? Strength ? Did you eat any extra cals when you work out?
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    First of all thank you for your reply!

    I am still a little confused in what to do. So do you think that if I just jump right up to 2000 (my tdee 2367-15%= 2011.95) that we may get a bigger gain but our metabolism will start to respond better. So if I just do it gradual like maybe 1600, 1800, 2000 weekly I will see smaller gains but my metabolism will just take a little longer to get in the groove;)

    You pretty much said it. Typically going slower makes the process take longer before it all "clicks". However, any gain will more slowly, rather than come all at once. Jumping right in gets the process started and forces your body to begin the adjustment immediately, but the gain may come all at once. Either way can have its discomforts in the beginning, as your body adjusts, and depending on how long you were at a low cal level, the adjustment time varies greatly from one person to another.

    I'd suggest spending some time on the forum, and looking at the various methods that people chose and how it worked for them. Also, if you haven't, read the "what to expect" sticky, as being prepared for what you will go through is the most important part of upping your cals. Everyone's experience has been unique to them, but having an idea of what to look for, will help more than you know ;)

  • XOchocolate
    XOchocolate Posts: 95 Member
    I did read most posts and all of the sticky notes. I've been pretty much obsessed over this...lol. I am prepared mentally to up them and put the scales away till next weekend. I will be ready for any gain I will received. I have faith! At least that is how I feel now. I am just starting to read nrolwfw. So as I undstand it....I will eat extra 200 (or drink protein smoothie) when I lift right ?
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Wow!!! That's amazing!!!
    Did you do cardio? Strength ? Did you eat any extra cals when you work out?

    Mostly this last week I only did my physical therapy exercises, but normally I run for cardio. My therapy exercises are core-strength and hip strength related - things like weighted lunges, weighted squats, planks and side planks, balance exercises. Tomorrow after work my husband has promised to show me how to use the weight machines and free-weights at the gym properly because my upper body strength is sorely lacking. (plus it gets him to the gym, muahahahaha).

    I felt super stuffed the first few days i upped the calories, but that has leveled off. I haven't been successful at eating back all my exercise calories, but since i am eating at FULL TDEE right now, I'm not too worried about that.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I did read most posts and all of the sticky notes. I've been pretty much obsessed over this...lol. I am prepared mentally to up them and put the scales away till next weekend. I will be ready for any gain I will received. I have faith! At least that is how I feel now. I am just starting to read nrolwfw. So as I undstand it....I will eat extra 200 (or drink protein smoothie) when I lift right ?

    Yes, I drink a protein smoothie after my lifting workouts.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I increased slowly, mainly because that's the only way I could wrap my brain around eating so much more. I started at 1200 but after just a couple days and being completely miserable I immediately went up to 1400.

    From 1400 to 1500 then 1600 and now I'm at 1700. I'd say it took me about 3-4 weeks to get to this point.

    I've gained and lost weight over the entire period but I've lost inches faster than I expected.

    Overall, I'm very happy with my results thus far!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I increased slowly, went from about 1400 up to 1500 and then 1800 for two weeks. I had gains 3 of the 4 weeks. I then jumped to my TDEE - 15% on Wed at 2400 and the scale has done in a downward spiral since then..
    SO skip the baby steps.. jump right up to where you need to be and work to get in your cals for it:)
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I increased slowly, went from about 1400 up to 1500 and then 1800 for two weeks. I had gains 3 of the 4 weeks. I then jumped to my TDEE - 15% on Wed at 2400 and the scale has done in a downward spiral since then..
    SO skip the baby steps.. jump right up to where you need to be and work to get in your cals for it:)

    Just love it...
  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
    I went all in :) yes the scale went up. But hey my body will thank me for it soon enough!
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    I went up right away from 1800 to 2600, and I lost 3 inches overall in the first week (no pounds yet, but something's shifting if I'm losing inches!). I'm not afraid of the pound gains because I've seriously abused my metabolism in the past and like any relationship, it takes a long time to earn the trust back... and my metabolism needs to trust that I'm going to keep feeding it.

    Different people have done different things, going up slowly will help you adjust to adding various things to your diet and eating more in general. Jumping right to it might help you see results faster, but you will probably experience I'M SO FULL a bit at first, if you're used to the lower calorie plans.

    Good luck to you, whatever you choose! :)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I went up slowly in ignorance, from 1200, 1350,1500 because I wasn't losing and starving, then I got info and jumped up. Now, had I learned all I know now back at the 1200 cal mark...I would have dove in HEAD FIRST!
  • sugarplumj
    sugarplumj Posts: 107 Member
    Ok, people--
    I am really confused, but slowly grasping this--I think.
    I was at 1200, eating back exercise cals for about 6 months. Going on vacation, doing things, but always going back to 1200 (as MFP advised in the beginning). Then I plateaued --for about 3 months. Then I got complacent--and now I am freaking out a little, but just increased my cals (again, eating back workout cals) to 1500. My BMR is 1621, TDEE is 2229.
    Should I keep it at 1500 or go up a bit more? I have already gained back about 3 lbs in the past month (complacency with diet, still doing Tracy Anderson Method mat exercises 6x a week.)