Just started on April 14

I just started BBL yesterday on April 14. I am 28 years old. 5'0 and 120 lbs. My problem area has always been my butt and thighs. I hope and pray that by counting calories on MFP and consistently doing BBL, that I can tighten and tone up my lower half. Would love any support and encouragement and will return it as well. Please add me if you want. :)


  • Jenny_MSW
    Jenny_MSW Posts: 109 Member
    I love BBL! this last week got super busy for me, so I'm doing my REAL week 4 schedule this week- just finished the first workout. I feel like even though the scale isn't moving very much (which I think might be bc my calorie deficit is too big) I'm seeing results. Good luck!
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome! I have fallen off of my regimen, but really want to complete the 4 weeks (Great job Jenny on your work and dedication!!) I am hoping to start them again this week (hoping it will help with some of this soreness from being rear ended this past weekend)