Cardio 1, 2, 3

adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
Couldn't find a thread specifically devoted to the Cardio DVDs, so I thought I would add one.

I started Phase 2 on Monday, so today will be my first day with Cardio 2. I'm a bit nervous! Workouts 5 & 6 REALLY pick up the intensity - much more difficult than Workouts 1 & 2 and quite a bit tougher than 3 & 4. I literally scream during Workout 6. Lol

Any thoughts on Cardio 2 vs Cardio 1, for those of you who've gotten there already?


  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Or maybe I'm the only one actually doing the Cardio? o.O Lol
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I actually had my first cardio 1 today- and it was quite boring- I love JM workouts, but I got bored with doing the same 7-8 exercises 4 times in a row -- some of them were pretty hard for me to do maybe that's why I didn't really like it :laugh: So my guess is Cardio 2 is pretty hard ?
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    I could barely do cardio 2 at first. I had to take breaks in between circuits. But now that I am in week 8 it is actually pretty easy. The cardio intervals are 30 sec each instead of 1 min each. I think that makes it much more tolerable. But each circuit ends in burpees!!

    I am excited to do cardio 3 next week! I think I might preview it this weekend and try to do a circuit from it. Any one have any comments about cardio 3?
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    i did cardio 3 for the first time today. the exercises are only 20 seconds, but each circuit is about 9-10 minutes, so you're doing A LOT more exercises. the time between exercises is diminished significantly. there are some easier moves so you can catch your breath, but you do crab kicks, plank moguls, burpees to the side, and lots of high knees (which i hate!)... cardio 1 is pretty boring, but i think it was the easiest. however, as you continue, the cardio sessions become easier as well. i've hated multiple moves in all the cardios (running man and those arm circle things in 1, cross jacks in 2, high knees & those side burpees in 3)
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    i did cardio 3 for the first time today. the exercises are only 20 seconds, but each circuit is about 9-10 minutes, so you're doing A LOT more exercises. the time between exercises is diminished significantly. there are some easier moves so you can catch your breath, but you do crab kicks, plank moguls, burpees to the side, and lots of high knees (which i hate!)... cardio 1 is pretty boring, but i think it was the easiest. however, as you continue, the cardio sessions become easier as well. i've hated multiple moves in all the cardios (running man and those arm circle things in 1, cross jacks in 2, high knees & those side burpees in 3)

    Yikes... sounds like I might have to move the Cardio workouts out of my study and into the living room. Not sure I have enough space in my study for some of these moves...
  • oh my goodness! Just did Cardio 2 (again)- I'm in week 6... but I am DRENCHED! This is the first time in a workout that my clothes are actually totally wet... I have a love/hate with cardio 2 :)
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    I just finished my third round of cardio 2. I have to agree that I hate high knees, but (for me) the worst part about cardio 2 is the MULTIPLE moves that are very tiring for my lower leg muscles - jumping rope, plie hops, jumping jacks, cross jacks, skiiers/moguls, etc. - none of these are terrible on their own, but after all of the single-leg squats in workouts 5 & 6 I seriously feel like my legs are going to give out after the second circuit. It's mean, and based on what some of you are saying, I'm scared for cardio 3....
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I just finished my third round of cardio 2. I have to agree that I hate high knees, but (for me) the worst part about cardio 2 is the MULTIPLE moves that are very tiring for my lower leg muscles - jumping rope, plie hops, jumping jacks, cross jacks, skiiers/moguls, etc. - none of these are terrible on their own, but after all of the single-leg squats in workouts 5 & 6 I seriously feel like my legs are going to give out after the second circuit. It's mean, and based on what some of you are saying, I'm scared for cardio 3....

    Yeah, I'm feeling Phase 2 is a bit imbalanced ... maybe it's this "superset" idea, but it feels like there are multiple moves in a row that really kill the same muscles/muscle groups - and that tires me out much faster.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Did my first Cardio 2 today and thought it wasn't bad.

    There's a lot of jumping (aka~high impact) moves which I modify and you can do the same thing! Although I am getting more and more confident with some impact like skaters and high knees.

    It's cardio, Adam, ya just gotta grin and bear it!
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Hate hate hate freaking high knees! Love burpees, don't mind plie hops, I can even tolerate running man. High knees make me angry! Lol
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hate hate hate freaking high knees! Love burpees, don't mind plie hops, I can even tolerate running man. High knees make me angry! Lol
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    i am almost done with phase 1 and cardio 1 and i am really looking forward to phase 2 and cardio 2....these workouts were a little difficult for me at first but i hardly break a sweat and after a month and only 1lb lost and no inches lost i am ready for something with a little more umph :yawn:
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    You guys are actually getting me excited for Cardio I'm at the point with Cardio 1 that I feel like those are my "easy" days. Today, I went back after the 3rd interval and repeated the 3rd interval again to add some more challenge. I love the running man and the suicides, but I appreciate the fact that I have time to recover with other moves. I'm actually looking forward to the shorter intervals. Somehow it's easier to go harder when it's only 30 seconds. And the exercises listed are some of my favs...high knees, burpees, etc. I'm not quite sure what cross jacks are, but I'll wait and see next week.
  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    Coming from someone that is only in week 2 ya'll are scaring me a lil! And what the heck is a burpee???
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Coming from someone that is only in week 2 ya'll are scaring me a lil! And what the heck is a burpee???

    Haha, I was gonna google it (burpee i mean ), here's the link the description looks pretty scary to me :laugh:
  • pmcjt
    pmcjt Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in my second week and Cardio 1 is suiting me pretty well right about now. I hate those running man exercises. I'm hoping I'll adapt and get my groove on eventually. lol Sounds like just when it gets comfortable, it gets uncomfortable.
  • Padmo
    Padmo Posts: 89 Member
    The biggest problem I am having with cardio 1 is that I'm doing it on carpet, so I'm quite concerned I'm going to throw out an ankle on those running man and suicides.
  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    I'm in my second week and Cardio 1 is suiting me pretty well right about now. I hate those running man exercises. I'm hoping I'll adapt and get my groove on eventually. lol Sounds like just when it gets comfortable, it gets uncomfortable.

    I tore my ACL almost 2 years ago now and the running man is impossible for me to do for wen 30 secs let alone a min. My knee starts to give out every time so I just ran laps through my house instead. I'm fairly certain my 2 cats think I'm chasing them or torturing them every time. Lol
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    You guys like burpees!? Crazy!
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    i love cardio 2. i hate high knees. my favorite is the skaters. i cant wait for cardio 3 next week!!!