For Post-Surgery People: How Many Months/Years are you Out?



  • BNA_Mommy
    BNA_Mommy Posts: 36
    I had my RNY 9/24/07.
    Highest: 270s
    Day of surgery: 263
    1 year post-surgery: 163
    Lowest: 159
    Current: 192

    I had 100 lbs lost on my 1 year follow up appt (a month before my wedding). My surgeon suggested I wait 18-24 mths before I got pregnant (I didn't listen and got pregnant with TWINS 15 mths post-surgery). I gained 30 lbs during my pregnancy, and got all of it plus about 4 lbs within a month after having my sons. They are now almost 3 yrs old, and I have gained back all 30 lbs I gained when I was pregnant. It's discouraging to say the least. I was happy at 163, I was wearing a size 12 (sometimes even a 10), and for the first time in my life, I felt good about my body. My surgeon told me when I saw him after my sons were born (at my 2 yr check-up) that if I kept the weight off for a year, he would refer me to the plastic surgeon to get a tummy tuck and my arms/thighs done. Needless to say, that didn't happen. I joined MFP, I started going to the gym 5-6 days a week, I work with a trainer once every 2 weeks to learn weight training exercises, I am determined to be at my prebaby weight so that I can eventually get a tummy tuck. I haven't lost lbs, but I am slowly losing inches and strengthening muscles. My surgeon said it won't be nearly as easy/quickly to lose the weight like I did after surgery. I have to change my eating habits, I have to document everything that goes in my mouth, make myself accountable for what I eat. I have to stop drinking with meals (that's hard for me to do). I have to increase fluids and remember to take my vitamins.
    I am so glad I found this site, and now this group.
  • Elmo2205
    Elmo2205 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all,

    I am pretty new to this board, and this is my very first post :-)

    I had gastric bypass surgery in September of 2003.
    Starting weight was 278, lowest weight was 139. I am currently at 157, and working hard on dropping those 20 lbs!
    My weight always seems to fluctuate, it's constantly 20 - 30 lbs up and down.
    Just recently I started exercising ( love Jillian Michaels!!! ), and I have also made some changes in my diet.
    Hoping to get some support from you guys!
    Congrats to all of you who have been or currently are on this journey, and good luck!
    We can do this!

  • maylene1853
    i am 2 years out. i went from 253 to 126, quickly in like 10 months! i could hardly eat anything and i was stuffed! doctor said i looked too thin, so at a year and a half out, and having gallbladder removal i managed to level at 135, which the doctor preferred and ask me to not go under that. i got to that weight by cheating and made myself some bad habits which increased as the hubby moved in! cooking regular meals for him i started cheating more, and snacking on a lot of slider foods... and thinking well this chocolate cake has less calories for me than him. bad bad bad!!
    i feel hungrier now and although my tool still works to signal fullness i guess ive learned to ignore the signals and make myself tummyaches. and lately im having issues with rice and i still keep trying to eat it like an idiot.
    so im currently 150 and im here to get back down to 135! luckily when i buckle down i do lose the weight very fast....
    but i hate saying goodbye to rice n pasta n bread!
  • Mrbusterb
    Mrbusterb Posts: 114
    Hello everyone i'm new to the group i had the gastric sleeve surgery in may of 2012 i was 491lbs on may 1st,now i'm 412.The only thing that seems to worry me is my BP.It seems to be very low at times,even below 100.Other than that i'm feeling great
  • I am currently 5 months out (dwn 71lbs) and 110 (prior 2 surgery). My overall total of combined weight loss is 182lbs :bigsmile: with an additional 183 to go..if anyone was wondering my starting stats (hghest weight) 500lbs :huh: :brokenheart:...(surgery weight) 391lbs :embarassed: ...(current weight as 03.July.20-12) 320lbs :happy: ...(goal weight) 135lbs :heart: frame is 05feet, 03inches :glasses:
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    My name is Renae and I'm 34. I had my open RNY almost 8 years ago on 8/3/2004, when I was 26. At my highest weight, I was 334 lbs and, at my very lowest weight, I was 118 lbs. I settled comfortably for a long time between 135-140 lbs before I began regaining 2 years ago. I attribute it to a number of things and I take my fault in it, believe me. The highest number I saw on a scale was 191 lbs, but most of the time I refused to weigh, even at the doctor. I am now at 153.8 lbs again and going down (that is as of today). I wanted to be 140 lbs by August 3rd, but I probably won't make it by then. I will, however, make it to 140. I should mention that I'm 5'7" and I have also have had 2 babies since my RNY. They are 6 and 3 now. I started here on MFP in March when I was just under 181 lbs. I look forward to losing the weight together with y'all!
  • Mgray1024
    Mgray1024 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 11 months out. My starting weight was 296lbs and I am currently at 145. I have been VERY active since my surgery date. In October, I started running and have been able to run in 3 races (5k's). I have 2 more scheduled for this month and then at least one more in November. I'm working now on running a 10k as well as increasing my speed :)

    I know I'm relatively new as far as having the RNY but I don't plan on changing my behaviors..EVER! I'm so happy....

    I would like to lose another 5lbs. I'm 5'7" and feel good where I'm at. Plus, I'm sure I'll lose a little when I get my plastics done :)
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I am currently 5 months out (dwn 71lbs) and 110 (prior 2 surgery). My overall total of combined weight loss is 182lbs :bigsmile: with an additional 183 to go..if anyone was wondering my starting stats (hghest weight) 500lbs :huh: :brokenheart:...(surgery weight) 391lbs :embarassed: ...(current weight as 03.July.20-12) 320lbs :happy: ...(goal weight) 135lbs :heart: frame is 05feet, 03inches :glasses:

    Wow! You are doing awesome! I am short too so I can appreciate how difficult it is to carry extra weight...It never looks as good on us! My heaviest was 335. I was 300 pre-op and am now 227. Getting there! I had RNY on 4/4/2012. Congrats on your success!:drinker:
  • BARBY1956
    BARBY1956 Posts: 51
    Hi, my name is Barb and I had my RNY bypass in May 1999. I weighed 293 and I now weigh 165 at 5' 8". After my surgery I steadily lost the weight and leveled off at about 155 - 160 lbs. Then I went through a stressful divorce and dropped down to about 135 lb. I eventually settled at about 155 lbs which is the weight I feel the best. At 165 lbs, I am refusing to gain anymore weight. One thing I have learned through all of my weight losses, gains and surgery is to put the brakes on my weight gain before it gets out of control. I am happy that I had the surgery, (in my heart I wish I could have lost the weight without it) but it has allowed me to enjoy a much more fullfilling and enjoyable and healthy life.

    I can hardly believe it has been over 13 years. I don't even think to much about it anymore. There isn't anything I can't eat as long as I eat small portions.

    I had lots of people tell me scary stories before and after I had my surgery. Seems as if everyone knew someone's Aunt's best friend's daughter that had the surgery and died or can't ever eat anything. I followed my doctor's instructions to the letter and I never had a moment of trouble.

    However one important thing to remember. Take your vitamins!!. This I was lax in doing and now I am paying the price. Several weeks ago I went to see my doctor cause I had been feeling run down and very depressed. After running some blood work, my doctor found I am deficient in B12 and now must get B12 shots every month for the rest of my life. It seems that when you have the RNY it destroys the lining of the stomach that breaks down and absorbs b12 so we don't absorb it properly. It has only come to light in my situation this late because the body stores 7-8 years worth of B12 in our liver and muscles. But my huge weight loss is worth it for sure.

    I wish everyone who has had the surgery and who are planning on having it the best.
  • mamaholt80
    mamaholt80 Posts: 20
    I had the Lap Band, I'm almost 6 months out,I've lost 53 lbs.49 lbs to go!
  • 130down
    130down Posts: 21 Member
    I am 13 months out with RNY. I have lost 100 since surgery and 130 total (including the pre op diet)
  • Mrbusterb
    Mrbusterb Posts: 114
    2 months out and i'm down 84lbs (Including the two week liquid diet)
  • lorbraverman
    Hi Kristy,
    Sorry to hear that you are stuggleing. I had my LapBand 3 years ago. I started at 243 pounds and I am down to 205. I am so greatful for the loss. I am also frustrated that I have not lost more. I seem to back on track this summer. I have attended my doctor's support groups, on-line chats and now this site. My problem was that I thought I could eat whatever I wanted and the band would stop me from over eating and feeling full. My body sensation of full is very different than what they mean. They mean do I need to eat more or do I want to eat more. I love feeling "stuffed." I am now learning that is the problem not the band. If I did not have the band I would have gained all my weight back. Have you talked with your doctor and met with a nutrianist? Both have helped me and I am one to think I already know everthying. There is a lot to learn about the Band. Don't listen to any negativity about the Band. It will work if you learn how to listen to your body, make healthy choices, NOT DRINK ANTHING FOR 2 HOURS after you eat!!!!!!! Use this web site to track everyting you eat and chart your progress. Hope this helps! No one and nothing can do this for you! Best Wishes!
  • nikkihealthy2011
    August 17, 2012 will mark one year for me I'm down 161 pounds as of today and going strong. I still have a little over 60 pounds to go. I had the Complete gastric bypass RNY
  • amberrenae1
    7 years out, started at 332 got down to 167. I've gainded 58 pounds back, I've had 2 pregnancies in that time and have never lost the "baby wieght" plus the 20 I had gained before I got pregnant!

    It's harder this time. I still have a hard time wating an actual meal and have a terrible habbit of snacking all the time! Ugh!

    I still consider it the besst thing I ever did I just wish there was a reset button!
  • dan09554
    dan09554 Posts: 327 Member
    2/26/09 I had RNY. I went from 343 to 201. Kept within 10lbs til 9/2011. Started putting weight back on and before you know it, I put on 40lbs. I started walking a bit more and got back on MFP. Back on my way down. My wife is now one week post op. Wishing her success too.
  • mnjhowell
    mnjhowell Posts: 11 Member
    I am 3 years 3 months out from lap band. I had been at my goal weight until I got pregnant in Sept 2011 and gave birth to my beautiful daughter May 2012. I am now 36 pounds heavier than my goal weight and trying to get back on track. I have had 2 fills since Izzy was born and I am still not having much restriction.
  • HoffLE413
    I am close to 4 months out. Had the RNY on 4/16/12 and halfway to my goal already with being down 62.2 lbs. Its been quick to come off but I find myself weighing myself almost every day. I have started exercising more by walking/running 3 times a week. This is also helping me to train for my upcoming 5k's. I am excited to have the MPS to help me track what I eat, although there is not enough protein in my diet that is for sure!
  • skatardrummer
    skatardrummer Posts: 60 Member
    RNY 12/31/08 I was 357 lbs. I went down to 243 by 7/2011 and due to recent stress, crept back up to 271. I have since gone back to 264 and I found MFP to help me continue. I've lost 4 lbs since I joined MFP and hoping to continue.

    I'd like to be 240 by my wedding in less than 3 months, but I know it's unlikely. I still want to meet my milestone and keep going. I'd like to be down to my IBW of 170 lbs for my height/structure.

    Keep it up everyone and don't give up hope!
  • skatardrummer
    skatardrummer Posts: 60 Member
    I had RNY April 2010 and lost quite a bit of weight, I used to be in a size 4 at goal which was at 125, I have now gained 23 lbs and am in a size 8...I am NOT comfortable at this weight, I don't feel as healthy as I did when I was at goal...I am here for an INTERVENTION! Please help me, is there anything I can do. Here are my problems: Sweets and Diet coke and Pizza...I know I have to cut them out PERIOD! I am WILLING! My question is, do I need to do a clear liquid diet to get me on track, or have yall heard of the pouch test? Any suggestions would be awesome! Thank yall so much!

    Protein. Protein. Protein. The Whey shakes are very expensive, which is where I'm struggling, but they are what do the trick. Getting 60-80g of protein a day is ideal. Protein turns your carbs into energy instead of sugar. Eating/drinking low cal/fat whey protein is a good part of what makes people loose weight post-op. Keep in mind, a woman can only absorb about 25g of protein at a time and a man can absorb 40-42g. This means about 3 shakes a day for ladies, while men can do 2 if you find a protein powder high enough in protein. Look for powders that have AT LEAST 20g per scoop.