Recover from a binge

amy12321 Posts: 57 Member
I just ate nearly an entire chocolate bar and I'm not feeling that great physically and emotionally. How should I eat/exercise tomorrow to recover??


  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    Just forget about it and move on. Don't try to compensate tomorrow. Eat like normal. It was ONE chocolate bar.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    "almost" eating a whole chocolate bar for me would be just the beginning of a binge! now, eating a whole family-size bag of peanut m&m's, in the car, starting in the store parking lot--that's a binge!

    we do have to move forward because we can't undo what we did. be aware that sugar cravings may take 3 days to stop, so be prepared to make minute-by-minute choices. If your Sugar Beast is like mine, It now thinks It has control of your hands and has to be beaten down into submission (again). I accept that I'm a sugar junkie, but I am not powerless: the power is all mine. now I have to keep repeating this all day, every day.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Wow, I wish one chocolate bar was a binge in my book...that's NOTHING for me.

    Today is a new day...just move forward as usual. I wouldn't overcompensate for one candy bar.
  • amy12321
    amy12321 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you. Yeah I guess thinking about it isn't going to do anything so there's no point in being upset about it. Thanks for the support.