POF or OKStupid .. I mean OKCUPID



  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    There are a LOT of students on POF though in my area (Biloxi, MS).

    They're here for 6-12 months and just want to get some booty while they're down here.
  • solman66
    solman66 Posts: 175 Member
    Ya know, I'm a pretty loose person, but those questions on OKCupid can be really really ...explicit, creepy, and...just bloody weird.

    Yeah those questions were wayyyyyy out there.

    Not to hijack a thread, but any examples of questions you guys thought were really odd? I've answered a bunch and only skipped a few that I felt were a bit too personal, but nothing truly off the range.

    I love the questions like "What hand does a right handed glove fit on if you turn it inside out." because even if you don't know the answer it takes 2 seconds to look it up or try it. So if people get that one wrong I immediately know they're either lazy or don't care so I move on.
    It also seems only 1 out 10 women I see get the "Wherefore" question about Romeo and Juliet correct. That doesn't bother me too much unless they say they love to read in their profile, in which case I think they're either dumb or lying.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Ya know, I'm a pretty loose person, but those questions on OKCupid can be really really ...explicit, creepy, and...just bloody weird.

    Yeah those questions were wayyyyyy out there.

    Not to hijack a thread, but any examples of questions you guys thought were really odd? I've answered a bunch and only skipped a few that I felt were a bit too personal, but nothing truly off the range.

    I love the questions like "What hand does a right handed glove fit on if you turn it inside out." because even if you don't know the answer it takes 2 seconds to look it up or try it. So if people get that one wrong I immediately know they're either lazy or don't care so I move on.
    It also seems only 1 out 10 women I see get the "Wherefore" question about Romeo and Juliet correct. That doesn't bother me too much unless they say they love to read in their profile, in which case I think they're either dumb or lying.

    I am trying to remember back but there were ones about how kinky I was and most the questions I got were sexual in nature which I don't think should be asked in questions like that.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I just signed up for OKC haha. Can you guys tell I'm bored?

    So far I haven't had a lot of messages, so it's less intimidating definitely.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am currently on POF - but shoot may have to try OKC

    POF I had what I thought was good luck - he was a nice guy, just yeah lacking basic relationship skills like oh yeah COMMUNICATION
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i preferred okc to pof. that could be that i there were less creepy guys on okc, but i don't know. i had more dates from okc than i did from pof. the guys from pof seemed more interested in just chatting, where as the guys on okc seemed interested in actually meeting.........
  • bruintamer
    bruintamer Posts: 183 Member
    okc. I deleted pof when I saw my psycho ex bf on there. Not going there again lol

    Bahahaha! Same here. I was on POF for a week and saw my ex on there, scoffed at the bs in his profile, then deleted mine. POF is where he found his new baby mama AND new live in gf (two diff women -- within 6 months after our breakup -- we were together 4.5 yrs and halfway through he claimed born again Christian and wanted to stop having sex until marriage...then got a random girl pregnant a couple of months after we broke up. I know. I was an idiot. :-/ ). I'd met him on hotornot.com, lol. But OKC is pretty good.
  • Gionni
    Gionni Posts: 77 Member
    I seem to get ignored on both LOL.. I was wondering. I do get some interest on POF but it usually from girls not my type .. That bring up another question I'm gonna post ....