Men with cats



  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I'm a single woman and I have a dog. Does that make me seem strange to potential dates?
    Although, I will say that having a pet and dressing them up are two very different things...

    Dog? No way. Dogs are awesome. I'd love a dog!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I'm a single woman and I have a dog. Does that make me seem strange to potential dates?
    Although, I will say that having a pet and dressing them up are two very different things...

    Dog? No way. Dogs are awesome. I'd love a dog!

    Good to know :smile:
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I'm a single woman and I have a dog. Does that make me seem strange to potential dates?
    Although, I will say that having a pet and dressing them up are two very different things...

    Dogs are no big deal. Men generally prefer dogs to cats.

    As for unattached men owning cats, it is somewhat of an anomaly to see that. There is one guy I know who has a cat and he's a pretty normal guy. But there's a stigma with cat ownership for both genders.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I will shamefully admit to putting my dog in a santa costume one year at Christmas. Though I did not buy the costume and it was only because my little cousins were coming over and thought they'd get a kick out of it, and they did. My dog was not happy though.

    But yeah it's pretty weird.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'm a single woman and I have a dog. Does that make me seem strange to potential dates?
    Although, I will say that having a pet and dressing them up are two very different things...

    Dogs are no big deal. Men generally prefer dogs to cats.

    As for unattached men owning cats, it is somewhat of an anomaly to see that. There is one guy I know who has a cat and he's a pretty normal guy. But there's a stigma with cat ownership for both genders.

    Yes. For instance, you said ownership of multiple cats is bad in the dealbreakers thread. :smile:

    Cats are easier, especially if you live alone. I think that's why a lot of single people have cats. A dog would not be practical for me because I live alone, I work all day, I travel a lot, etc., so if I were to get a pet in the near future, it would be a cat. If that makes me undatable, so be it.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Personally as long as he doesn't have a zoo it's no big deal. It's kinda nice to see a man with no kids who can keep an animal alive. Its kinda like men who can cook ,its cute.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    An animal lover is a good thing. It would concern me if he *wasn't* an animal person (being an animal person, it's easier to be with people that understand my passion for animals).

    And that whole "real man" list pisses me off. It's like the "real woman" list is virtually impossible to live up to and be authentic.

    If you like the guy, go for it. :flowerforyou:
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    I'm not a big cat person but I see nothing wrong with it. A guy can have a cat for a pet and there's nothing wrong with it. I don't think I would dress em up (not even for Halloween even tho I've been tempted to dress the pup up in a cape) Maybe I'm just an animal lover tho who knows.

    Men with cats nothing wrong with them ... your friend is just strange
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    ok this is reading into it too much. You might be missing out on a great guy all because you have this chick friend who thinks only real men have dogs. Thats bull. Instead of looking at the negatives, look at the positives of owning a cat. They are easy, low mainance, dont stink up the house or your clothes, you can stay out longer and travel more (dogs have to be taken out to potty every 3-6 hours), you wont have to deal with barking, and the constant licking. If he pays alot of attention to his cat and loves it then he will prolly be good to you too. He is caring. I have both a dog and a cat, the dog is alot of work like a baby cause he is a puppy. You listen to you and not your friend, she isnt the one who will be dating him, its you. Its stupid to discriminate based on what pet he has, the only time its ok if you have severe allergies. This reminds me of those stupid list that alot of women have that men have to meet 300 things to be dateable. Go out with him and see if you have chemistry, things in common, and have fun and if it goes somewhere then it does.
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm allergic to cats, so it's a deal breaker for me.

    However, I do have a creepy (yet funny) "man with cats" story:
    We met online and decided to meet face to face after a few emails/chats. We decided on going rock climbing (I know, I know, probably not the most intelligent thing to have someone you don't know be responsible for your life on a first date). So I meet up with him at his house (I stay outside) and as he's coming to join me, he says "give me a minute, I have to say goodbye". I'm now asking myself if he lied and he's married, if he has kids he never mentioned.... but no. The guy left the front door open, so I could hear him take a cat in his arms, hug it and say "goodbye ***cat's name*** ". Ok, he has a cat. But then I see him with another cat in his arms, doing exactly the same ritual, and then another....
    Total counted: 5 cats! AND he said goodbye to each of them one by one... deal breaker!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I'm allergic to cats, so it's a deal breaker for me.

    However, I do have a creepy (yet funny) "man with cats" story:
    We met online and decided to meet face to face after a few emails/chats. We decided on going rock climbing (I know, I know, probably not the most intelligent thing to have someone you don't know be responsible for your life on a first date). So I meet up with him at his house (I stay outside) and as he's coming to join me, he says "give me a minute, I have to say goodbye". I'm now asking myself if he lied and he's married, if he has kids he never mentioned.... but no. The guy left the front door open, so I could hear him take a cat in his arms, hug it and say "goodbye ***cat's name*** ". Ok, he has a cat. But then I see him with another cat in his arms, doing exactly the same ritual, and then another....
    Total counted: 5 cats! AND he said goodbye to each of them one by one... deal breaker!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that made me giggle out loud! Thanks for the story :bigsmile:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I have two cats and love animals in general. I will also rescue any animal in need that I can (though this doesn't translate into keeping all said rescues animals).

    I've also dressed mine up, but only in Santa suits at Christmas, and only for the laugh factor. They look so ridiculous and hate it so much - my family and I get such a kick out of it. We literally laugh until we cry! Besides...I don't have kids to torture so someone's gotta suffer! :laugh:

    it would be virtually impossible to have a relationship with a guy that didn't 'get' that side of me.

    That said, I certainly wouldn't mind if someone I met had cats and loved them, but I think I would be a bit creeped out if he dressed them up...maybe a double standard, but I just don't equate that as being very manly.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    It's possible that he got the cat from a former relationship. Maybe she moved out and didn't want or couldn't take the cat. It's also possible that she was responsible for dressing up the cat, and then taking the pictures. My ex did this with my dog all the time, you can see one in my profile.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I'm allergic to cats, so it's a deal breaker for me.

    However, I do have a creepy (yet funny) "man with cats" story:
    We met online and decided to meet face to face after a few emails/chats. We decided on going rock climbing (I know, I know, probably not the most intelligent thing to have someone you don't know be responsible for your life on a first date). So I meet up with him at his house (I stay outside) and as he's coming to join me, he says "give me a minute, I have to say goodbye". I'm now asking myself if he lied and he's married, if he has kids he never mentioned.... but no. The guy left the front door open, so I could hear him take a cat in his arms, hug it and say "goodbye ***cat's name*** ". Ok, he has a cat. But then I see him with another cat in his arms, doing exactly the same ritual, and then another....
    Total counted: 5 cats! AND he said goodbye to each of them one by one... deal breaker!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that made me giggle out loud! Thanks for the story :bigsmile:

    LOL this made me laugh too :laugh: :laugh:

    There is nothing wrong with having any kind of pet, but it gets weird when you have an "odd" relationship with your pet.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I'm a single lady with two cats - and I've dressed them up (but mostly because I think it's hilarious how much they hate it). I'm also looking into getting a dog soon. Fact is, I'm an animal person. Hell, my career is animal centric, it's my life. I would be so impressed with a guy having any kind of animal, and happy that he had the sense of humor to dress it up in stupid outfits to post on facebook. That's a confident man right there.

    Of course, like most, I do have to draw the line at someone with a chihuahua that needs to wear a sailor suit to every outing.

    Then again this is all dependent on the individual, I don't think there' really any "right" way. Certainly society has a tendency to look down on the abnormal: "a man with a CAT? OMG!" so instead of him being able to admit that he just loves this creature, he has to explain that his ex girlfriend left it behind, or suffer the snobby judgments of people that just don't get it... meh.

    I said it in the first paragraph, be stoked that there's a guy who isn't afraid to be himself, everyone else be damned. He could be a good fit :)
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I'm allergic to cats, so it's a deal breaker for me.

    However, I do have a creepy (yet funny) "man with cats" story:
    We met online and decided to meet face to face after a few emails/chats. We decided on going rock climbing (I know, I know, probably not the most intelligent thing to have someone you don't know be responsible for your life on a first date). So I meet up with him at his house (I stay outside) and as he's coming to join me, he says "give me a minute, I have to say goodbye". I'm now asking myself if he lied and he's married, if he has kids he never mentioned.... but no. The guy left the front door open, so I could hear him take a cat in his arms, hug it and say "goodbye ***cat's name*** ". Ok, he has a cat. But then I see him with another cat in his arms, doing exactly the same ritual, and then another....
    Total counted: 5 cats! AND he said goodbye to each of them one by one... deal breaker!

    Thank you for the laugh!
  • bruintamer
    bruintamer Posts: 183 Member
    I'm allergic to cats, so it's a deal breaker for me.

    However, I do have a creepy (yet funny) "man with cats" story:
    We met online and decided to meet face to face after a few emails/chats. We decided on going rock climbing (I know, I know, probably not the most intelligent thing to have someone you don't know be responsible for your life on a first date). So I meet up with him at his house (I stay outside) and as he's coming to join me, he says "give me a minute, I have to say goodbye". I'm now asking myself if he lied and he's married, if he has kids he never mentioned.... but no. The guy left the front door open, so I could hear him take a cat in his arms, hug it and say "goodbye ***cat's name*** ". Ok, he has a cat. But then I see him with another cat in his arms, doing exactly the same ritual, and then another....
    Total counted: 5 cats! AND he said goodbye to each of them one by one... deal breaker!

    Bahahahhahahah! At least the cats weren't all dressed up?
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member

    Just sayin'.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member

    Just sayin'.

    i honestly cant stop laughing at this...
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    OMG I just rememebed this.
    I am a mortgage underwriter and we had a borrower that sent in picture of his cats as "assets". One of them had a small tin foil hat on to hide from the aliens. If I remember correctly there were 3 cats and all of them were dressed up in the pictures. My co-workers and I could not stop laughing. I told my co-worker that she should respond that the cats were now liabilties and would need to be included in the borrower debt to income ratio and counted as dependants. She of course did not but it would have been funny.