Wanting to do this right..

kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
Im wanting to make sure I am doing this right. I am very aware this wont be a quick fix and I may take quite a few weeks or even a month or to get this till I start to truly lose weight. After losing a lot of weight I went on quite a low cal plan thru my gym...varying 1100-1380 cals for several weeks after sticking to it for a few weeks I then started a binge cycle which is what led me to here.

My stats are I am 5"9, 187 pounds and 44 years old. If i calculated things right my BMR is 1580 and my TDEE minus 15% is 2275 (altho this seems higher then most others!) I want to lose about another 10 kils (20 pounds) ultimately. Exercise wise I work out at least 4 days a week. To give you a example...this week I burnt 900 cals twice 1059 calories once and the other day 500 cals (I wear a polar HRM) I do some weight work....usually pump once or twice a week and a 30 min and 60 min PT session of resistance work (things like working towards chin ups...squats with free weights on bosu ball and core work) I do running intervals for a hour once or twice a week...and do a few cardio classes per week (about 3 per week) and then also body balance once a week. This was my first week of eating 2270 following a week of binging (and so had fluid retention)...2 days i had gains of 1-2 pounds.....but most days i did seem to drop....and as of this morning i was 2.6 kilos down (5.7 pounds) so i realise thats good altho i suspect its all fluid....im just wondering if people think i am eating too many calories....and also...should i do even more resistance work?


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh my no, your numbers seem dead on based on your stats.

    I think you would benefit from cutting cardio a bit....shake things up by doing 3 days of strength training and the other two 30 min HIIT training. A good lift program will help you build muscle and burn more fat.

    Too much training is as bad as no training to a degree.

    Ok on your workout days and nonworkout you make sure to eat 2275 and make sure to NET at least BMR when you have those high burns. So anything over a 700 burn you need to eat the excess above the 700.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Thanks so much for your reply Lucia. :) Seven days in I am down by 4.62 pounds altho I suspect thats mostly fluid from my binging...more importantly i didnt binge once this past week (that was starting to scare and worry me!) This coming week will be interesting...especially as I am going away for 5 days :) Thanks for your advice!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh when you eat more the body is not hungry so you tend not to binge. You can actually enjoy a dessert and not feel guilty too. You are able to enjoy one serving or even forgo a delight bec you know you can fit it on any day.

    I lost 4lbs the 1st wk and gained back 3lbs by 4 wk mark but I lost an inch off my waist so I knew there was a lot more going on than just that 1lb loss.