Daily progress and random thoughts

jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
Good morning all! I thought a thread for daily up dates would be fun. This helps me keep motivated and focused.

So I am on my third day of eating more. Can't stay I'm not nervous but I keep reminding myself that it wasn't working before. I need to get more protein and lower my sugar - I always thought I was doing good on protein as I do shakes. This is definitely going to be a learning experience for me. I am going to but NROWL today and going to get started on that program.

I have to keep this new journey to myself or at least minimize it to husband as though I know he is trying to help he only aggrivates my problem sometimes. He knows I was working hard to lose and haven't do now he's going what happened to your diet - are you giving up. Very frustrating as he just lost about 20 lbs in a couple of months - and didn't really try. So I just told him I was going to start weight training - since I couldn't lose the weight - I might as well tone it up. Trying to make light of it so he will stop bugging me about it.

Happy Saturday everyone!


  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I completely understand how you feel about your husbands lose. My husband cut his soda intake in half 3 instead of 6-8 a day and stopped eating cookies and oreos. In about 2 weeks he already lost 12lbs. I was so frustrated. I have been weight training and doing cardio for almost 5 weeks now and haven't lost a pound (several inches though) but I am sure we all sometimes forget about the inches and dwell to much on the scale. I know I did when he first told me how much he lost I could have strangled him in that moment.:explode:
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I have the opposite problem with my husband. He desperately needs to lose weight, esp because he's on blood pressure meds and his cholesterol levels are outrageous. He knows he needs to do something but he's just not ready to commit. I try my best to not talk to him about it because I know it's not going to help unless he's ready to commit to making the change. I was hoping him seeing me working my butt off and eating healthy would help but nope...so far, he has no desire to do anything about it.

    Anyway, I'm going on week 6 of eating more and I keep gaining and losing the same 2 pounds. But I've lost almost 6 inches overall. I have to remind myself that this process is slow...there is no such thing as a quick fix (well, one that's healthy anyway).

    Even though I do get frustrated sometimes, I'm completely committed to this way of eating. I feel better and I love that I don't have to stress out about food.

    Have a great weekend!!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I had an ex like that - We both needed to lose but he would try to sabotage me. My husband now is really trying to be supportive - he just doesn't know how hard it is. He tells me I am beautiful now so that definitely helps.

    I tried so hard to get to my goal yesterday - even had nuts, meat and cheese for snacks - it is hard to eat a lot and eat good. Going to keep trying though. We had a birthday party so my choices for dinner were grilled burgers and a lot of high calorie carbs so I had a burger and a piece of cake! I can wrap my head around eating more - but not eating more junk and high carb. I'm still doing some research and cooking my own dinners will help.

    Didn't find my book but I did a great workout using the circuit. It's a start at least.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    So checking my report in MFP I have been pretty consistently netting around 1800 for the past 3 weeks since i upped my cals.. A 20% cut from my TDEE is 1920. Ive been trying to get there, and some days i have.

    At first my weight didn't change, my lowest before upping was 184, Last time i measured I had lost 3.5 inches.. that was about a week ago, now my weight has gone back up to 190 this week.
    I have started more intense training classes - 2 hours of Muay Thai 3 times a week that burns 1000 calories per session, and I just finished a 10k this morning.

    I've done all the reading.. and I know my weight is going up and adjusting.. but its still disappointing no matter how much you know about the process. Hopefully this will kick in and turn around soon.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Juice - hang in there - I know its so disappointing to see the scale go up. But you sound like you are getting in such great shape! Focus on how good that feels. That's what I'm doing. My husband told me last night - wow, your calfs look great - you have more muscle than me. Well that's something right?

    I am amazed at how hard it is to eat to my full calorie goal. Of course, I am trying to eat to hit my macros so I'm not eating a bunch of processed carbs and junk. I am keeping my eye on my protein and carbs mostly. I did pretty good yesterday only thing I went up on was my sugar for some reason. But I felt like I was eating a ton of food. I did make it to the gym and did a good weight circuit and some elliptical.

    So going to keep it up. I have to say the hardest thing is planning what to eat. I'm going to try to do some meal planning this week and cook some dinners. Then we have a party on Sat. and a motorcycle event at our house on Sunday so definitely the weekend will be a challenge!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    So today is my 6th day of Eating More. I feel good - I feel energetic and I feel like I'm losing until I put on my dress pants - they are still tight and I actually look bloated in the tummy when I put clothes on. I am doing my psyluum seed in my shake every morning so I am actually pretty regular and I have been drinking my water - I have set my timer on my calendar at work to go off to remind me to drink. I am hoping that this will go away if I just keep plugging at it. I haven't taken measurements but my clothes will tell all until I get my measurements done.

    It is still hard to eat all my calories and to keep my macros balanced - its a learning experience.

    Thursday: 1883 calories; Fat 15 left; carbs over by 6; protein 64 left
    Friday: 1467 calories; Fat 23 left; carbs over by 37; protein 80 left
    Saturday: 1300 calories; Fat 6 left; carbs 147 left; protein 84 left
    Sunday: 1703 calories; Fat 38 left; carbs 118 left; protein 95 left
    Monday: 1728 calories; Fat 26 left; carbs 20 left; protein 48 left

    So as you can see it has been a learning curve for me. I am getting better at being consistent with my calories and getting my macros more even. I don't know what I ate on Sunday to leave me with some much carbs and protein at the end of the day and I just didn't hardly eat on Friday and Saturday. This is a great way for me to look and see my progress.

    As far as exercise I am doing some moderate walking and some running days, doing heavy circuit about every other day. Have been keeping tract of my exercise calories and so far have not gone over my estimated burn calculated in my TDEE so no need to eat any back. My calire goal is 1800 by the way.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I am going to get measurements done too.

    Now to keep working on eating consistently and hit those macros!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Hello all! I'm just starting week three of upping calories. I just raised my goal another 200 calories per day since I was always having to eat back exercise calories to get my NET over BMR. So it's not really changing what I eat much, just making it more official. :tongue:

    I've gained and lost the same few pounds so far...nothing much to report in inches either but I get encouragement from all those that post results happening a few weeks into their journey (4 - 6 weeks or so) and hope I'll see it sooner than later.

    As for husbands, mine is supportive but you can see/hear the concern when he sees how much I eat or we talk about what my calorie goals are. He doesn't know what to think and is afraid it'll backfire on me but he doesn't want to hinder my progress with any negative comments (although he did mention once or twice not to try so hard to meet my calorie goals - which I ignored of course - he means well) He's concerned because he knows how hard I have worked in the past to lose the weight with very little lasting success no matter how hard I worked out or how little I ate! (and I exercised a lot and ate very little at times) He just wants me to be happy and see success for my sake.

    Blessings and encouragement to you all in this journey! It's a scary ride but one I believe we'll all be happy we took in the end!

    EDIT: oh, I forgot to mention the NSV!! I am no longer tired, no longer have insomnia and no longer suffer from depression! Now why didn't my dr just prescribe more calories instead of meds in the first place? (I no longer take any of the meds...I quit them all one day in a fit of frustration about a month before I started upping calories and told her to find the real reason I was having these issues instead of just medicating them!!! ) I wonder if half the people who suffer from the above things I listed really just need to eat more good food!!!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    A 1.5 lb. loss since last Wednesday! One week of eating more and focusing on keeping my macros where they should be. Amazing - this is the first loss I have had since December. Well that's all the proof I need to keep it going. I think the biggest difference is I'm eating constantly and eating better whole foods. Also I think I've had a bigger burn in my workouts as I feel more energized. I am ready for a new week. This week will be more challenging as we have a party on Saturday for my husband and do I will be hosting Saturday and Sunday. Going to plan ahead and really try to keep my macros in balance.
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm with all of you on the husband thing! My husband told me yesterday that I was double fisting my lunch! I brought a lot of food since I didnt know what I would want to eat. LOL I brought a salad with tuna, apple, greek yogurt, strawberries, newton crisp bar, oatmeal, almonds and hummus with multi-grain crackers. =) Yummmmm. I think I am on about week 6/7 in upping my calories, but only 2 weeks in eating my cut value. I went up 2 pounds so far but I am slowwwwlllyyy coming back down! =)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I've been MIA from the boards for a while as I have been traveling. I see now why I haven't lost - even though I stay quite active when I am traveling - I just don't eat - then I drink and I come gone and am tired and famished. Getting back on track today and going to figure a way to break that cycle. It doesn't help I am sure that I have not had a period - 10 days late. Took a pregnancy test and it was negative so I may be going thru menopause. I've been on the pill and just got off about 2 months ago. Ant one know of any natural remedies to help you thru? I'm not really having any symptoms - just no period and bloated.

    So this week is another we if eating right - trying to keep my macros in sync and getting my butt back to the gym!