Meal plan

Shines01 Posts: 26 Member
Does anyone have a meal plan they follow. I'm trying out clean eating and know the concept of eating as close to natural as possible, eating fresh, lean, organic and low ingredient but it would be nice to see someone's practical practice.


  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    YOu mean recipes? Or an actual what I ate for breakfast lunch and dinner
  • deebelky
    deebelky Posts: 32 Member
    if you go to the, there are lots of people on the "kitchen table" link that post their meal plans. IMO, it's something that has to be individual to you. once you get used to eating clean, u will be able to come up with meal plans that work for you. i eat whole grain bread and eggs every morning. have a couple standard snacks -- apple and string cheese, low fat cottage cheese and pita chips throughout the day... lunch is typically a sald with a protein or sandwich... then dinner is lots of veggies and a protein and a big salad. when i work out, i'll throw in a protein drink. i miss cooking with recipes, but i find it really hard to track calories when i start mixing stuff up in recipes! that's a lot of work. well--don't know if this is helpful at all, but good luck!
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 177 Member
    My diary is open and I consider my diet pretty clean 80/20
  • HealthyNFit4Life
    HealthyNFit4Life Posts: 185 Member
    I have a meal plan that my dietician gave me and it's pretty clean:

    Sample Healthy Meal Plan
    Daily exchanges
    Dairy/Soy 2 servings (nonfat) includes nonfat milk or soy milk or or nonfat yogurt
    Fruit 3 servings
    Vegetables 2+ servings
    Proteins 8 ounces
    Bread/Starch 6 servings
    Fat 4 tsp (monounsaturated are best—Olive, canola or peanut)
    Sample menu
    1 cup high fiber cereal or granola bar or 2 waffles or 2 slices ww toast or english muffin
    1 cup skim or 1% milk or soy milk or yogurt
    1 oz. low fat cheese or 1egg or 10 nuts
    1 fruit
    3 oz. lean protein (fish or poultry) or 4 oz. tofu or 2 tbsp. nut butter or 4 tbsp hummus
    2 slices lite wholegrain bread or 1/2 cup beans
    2 tsp olive oil or mayo or 2 tbsp low fat salad dressing
    raw or cooked vegetables
    1 fruit plus 10 nuts or 1 granola bar
    4 oz. chicken, fish, meat or 4 oz. tofu
    large salad
    sauteed, grilled or raw vegetables
    2 tbsp. low fat salad dressing or 2 tsp olive oil/vinegar/lemon
    2/3 cup pasta or 1 medium potato or 1 ear corn plus1 slice bread
    1 fruit smoothie (1 cup yogurt plus 1 fruit) or 1 granola bar or 1 fruit plus 10 nuts
  • kami89
    kami89 Posts: 12 Member
    I have just started Eating Clean.... only on Day two. However, my mornings consist of 1/2 cup oatmeal (makes 1 cup cooked) with 1T natural PB (with only peanuts and salt in ingredient list) and unsweetened frozen berries (I nuke them to defrost them). I have been using Brown sugar splenda blend, but I need to phase that out.

    For lunch I usually eat Tuna. Chunk light tuna in water, 1T mayo, salt and pepper. I put it on two gluten/salt free rice cakes. Today I added a bit of avacado to it.

    Snacks include celery with 1T peanut butter, apple slices with 1T peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, handful of pistachios, or my personal fave is Chiobani plain fat free yogurt with the berries I mentioned above with 1T honey. Sometimes I top it with a few pecan halves crumbled up.

    I haven't grocery shopped for my dinners yet- but if you are okay with simplicity, you don't have to get to into it. Last night we had Seasoned pork chops with homemade applesauce, a large salad with variety of veggies and a balsalmic dressing.

    HTH, obviously I could use some ideas too for cheaper, quick snacks!
  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    Check out Clean Eating Magazine, and on-line. I also like Gracious Pantry for recipe ideas. You are off to a great start. And yes you need to dump the splenda : )
  • carolinamombo
    carolinamombo Posts: 28 Member
    I also like Gracious Pantry for recipe ideas.

    I just looked this site up and it is awesome! Thanks :)
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    Does anyone have a meal plan they follow. I'm trying out clean eating and know the concept of eating as close to natural as possible, eating fresh, lean, organic and low ingredient but it would be nice to see someone's practical practice.

    If you send me your email address I can send you some. I even typed out the grocery list and recipes for each day.
  • shalomabeth
    shalomabeth Posts: 63 Member
    i need tips i like green smoothies, fruit ,jennie o, salad and brown rice stuff like that