My Rockstar level Paleo/Primal Blood work - more proof ;)



  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    No he isn't. He is from Bastyr (a local and well known natural health university) so is a Naturopath. I didn't know he was so pro-paleo and was worried I was going to get a lecture, but i wanted my numbers. Turned out he spent an hour with me talking about food sources, energy levels. He seemed excited to have a test case willing to fine tune the machine.

    Would you be willing to share him as a resource? I live near Bastyr. My clients in Seattle would likely consider him a great help.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Awesome results!!!!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Rockstar results! Way to go!

    Re sun exposure ... I'm blonde, English/Scottish descent, freckles etc, always used to burn. Now no sunscreen, wear a hat when gardening literally all day outside and have not burned. Only supplement I use is fermented cod liver oil. Been paleo over a year.
  • nil8r
    nil8r Posts: 45 Member
    Awesome results indeed! I keep ignoring the haters and low-fat diet addicts and listen to my doctor instead.

    I'm still new to paleo, but did have blood work done from my doctor before I started. I too am lucky that my primary care physician is also in Seattle and an ND (Dr. Rachel Erickson). I was struggling with constant swelling of the ankles, feet and fingers, and lack of weight loss despite calorie control. She was the one who figured out why and suggested moving to a more paleo diet.

    It's already made a difference! I don't start my day with cankles and end the day with elephant-sized ones anymore. I don't have constant digestion issues (when I stay on-plan). Oh, ya and I've dropped some weight in the process and have more energy.

    Keep up with that "not healty" lifestyle!!!!