weekly check in 4/23

SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
sw 217
cw 216.5
goal for this week has been cut to 1200 cals/day and i will be back at the moving at least 15 minutes 6 days this week. Got my head out , you know what i'm talking about, and determined to do great this week.
How's it going for you all?
gw is to get as close as possible to my orginal goal i set at the beginning of the month:

Hang in there fellow Summer Challengers! We can do it!


  • scordrick
    scordrick Posts: 33
    Last weigh in: 215.6
    Current weigh in: 213.8

    Goals for this week - Maintain 1200 cals a day, decrease carbs, add in two bike rides during the week.
  • TwtyMami35
    Last Weigh-In: 180
    Current Weigh- In: 178.2

    Goals for this week are to get in more strength training and add 2 days of Yoga (in home). As I continue to lose weight, I am focusing on toning too!