Recommendations for dealing with shoulder pain

ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
Hey all,
I am on week 5 of P90X and am loving getting back into strength training. I did a lot of picking up/putting down heavy stuff years ago and had become quite strong, especially in my shoulders (they were always my favorite to train!). Well, now the problem is that getting back into and doing P90X, I noticed within the first week I was having pain in the front part of my right delt and even with lifting lighter weights, certain exercises just tweak it just right and the pain lingers longer than just soreness. Any recommendations? Would it be weird to just not work that arm for a while so it can heal? I know I wouldn't literally have, like, one popeye shoulder and one scraggly one, but I can't help but think there has to be something I can do to ease it back into working right so I can get it strong enough to not get tweaked so easily.

Any suggestions? This is very frustrating to me because, obviously, I used to be so strong in this area!


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I'm terrified of what I'm about to type- rotator cuff. *shivers* The fear of this injury alone would have me stopping the shoulder workout and getting it checked out.

    Are you hearing any popping either with or without joint pain? Could be ligaments- could be magic faeries living in your shoulder.. a doc or PT would be your best bet here.

    DOMS yes- pain no. Wish I had a better answer :S
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Hmm, I have not thought of that and it is frightening for me as well. I feel it in the muscle area, specifically, and it hurts most when doing upright rows or push-ups. When it is especially sore, I have trouble putting any pressure on that arm, but at night, it feels better when I lay on it (compresses it).

    I don't know, I didn't start out lifting very heavy at all, so I am having difficulty feeling like I could have done something in my first week of lifting to injure myself so severely. Maybe I should get my doc to check it out :((
  • witrixie2011
    My boyfriend tore up both of his shoulders when he was a kid. Too many fights... no healing... etc.

    But because of those injuries, I can now overheard military press more than he can. His shoulders give him a lot of pain and he does what he can. (Don't get me wrong... he can do twice the amount of weight for bicep curls and a ton more for bench presses.)

    He's seen a chiropractor and he gave him exercises to help keep his shoulders mobile & strong. They will never be 100% but they're better than they were a year ago. But it's amazing to watch this strong man doing using a 5 pound weight and grunting because it hurts so bad to do his exercises. :frown:

    So if you thinks it's something bad, go get them checked out now and hopefully they'll heal correctly.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Yeah, I would doc this one. Have you videotaped your form? Is there anything glaringly obvious that could be tweaking your muscle around? Are you taking adequate recovery days?

    It's probably something simple but... *shudder* I can't type it again. It's the injury I dread the most lol