What does your routine look like?

Testosterone Posts: 236 Member
i do a 3 day total body break up
day one chest/bis/calves/traps
day two legs/shoulders
day 3 back/triceps.

chest i do incline bench, flat bench, incline dumb bells, flat dumb bells, then 4 sets of flyes.
biceps i vary it a lot, chest i rarely vary
calfs every round for 12-15 sets

dead lift 4 sets 6 5 4 3 reps (upping weight each time)
squat 4 sets of 6 (i squat full, *kitten* to grass, butt touching mu achilles)
lunges 4 sets (switch out with power cleans every other workout)
leg press 5 sets

shoulders i superset in with legs, starting after squats
4 sets military press barbell followed by 4 sets of rear delt dumb bell retractions
4 sets arnold press
4 sets machine military press then 4 sets reverse flyes
4 sets x lateral raises for side delts super setted with 4 sets of cable rear delt isolation movement


4 sets pull ups/ 4 sets dips
4 sets parallel grip pull ups/4 sets jm press
4 sets wide grip barbell rows/4 sets revers grip tricep extension
4 sets narrow reverse grip rows/4 sets bent bar cable extensions
4 sets rhomboid iso with 4 sets lat rows/4 sets rope extensions
4 sets of straight arm lat pullovers


  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I'm on the 5/3/1 Triumvirate;

    Day 1
    Overhead Press - 5/3/1
    Dips - 5 sets of 15 reps
    Chin-ups - 5 sets of 10 reps

    Day 2
    Deadlift - 5/3/1
    Good Morning - 5 sets of 12 reps
    Hanging Leg Raise - 5 sets of 15 reps

    Day 3
    Bench Press - 5/3/1
    Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 sets of 15 reps
    Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 10 reps

    Day 4
    Squat - 5/3/1
    Leg Press - 5 sets of 15 reps
    Leg Curl - 5 sets of 10 reps
  • AnthonyBarbaria
    My workouts vary week to week, but generally consist of:

    Sunday: Legs

    Squat 5x10 (185-225)
    Deadlift 4x8 (225#)
    Lunges 3x20 (60#)
    Air squats 4x25

    Monday: Chest/Tri's

    Incline Dumbell Press 4x12
    Flat Press Dumbells 4x12
    Weighted Dips (45#) 4x8
    Incline Cable Flies (1 arm) 4x12
    Tricep Rope 4x12

    Tuesday: Back/Bi's

    Weighted Wide-G Pull-ups (45#) 4x5
    Wide Grip Pull-ups 4x8
    Bent Row (135#) 4x12
    Press Downs on Cable 4x10
    Shrugs (70-100#) 4x10
    Alternating Dumbellcurls w/ drop sets 4x10/10/10
    Straight bar Curls 4x12

    Wednesday: Rest/Core

    Thursday: Shoulders

    Military Dumbell Press (45# each?) 4x12 Drop set 4x12
    Lateral Raises 4x12
    Modified Shrug 4x12
    Barbell Front Raises 4x8

    Friday: Arms

    Dumbell Curls (55#,40#,30#) Drop sets: 4x6/6/8
    Hammer Curls 4x10
    Overhead Tricep extension 4x12
    Tricep Rope 4x12
    Kick Backs 4x8
    Concentrate Curl 4x12

    Sat: Rest

    Sups= Amino Acids/Carbs During Training + creatine, Pre-workout (No-Explode or 1MR)
    Gold Standard 100% Whey post workout, CLA at meals, just started magnesium and Zinc (ZMA)
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    I do a 3 day split (Mon/Tue/Wed rest, Fri/Sat/Sun rest) or alternate with a workout then day off, then workout, then day off etc. depending how I'm feeling.
    Weights are increased every session.

    Squats 3x8
    Standing Calf Raises 3x8
    Standing Military Press 3x8
    Upright Rows 3x8

    Barbell Curls 3x8
    Dumbbell Rear Delt Rows 3x8
    Chinups 4x6 (Increasing each week)
    Lat pulldown 3x10
    Weighted hanging bent leg raise 3x12

    Bench 3x8
    Pushups 4 sets to failure
    Standing overhead triceps extension 3x8
    Tricep kickbacks 3x8 or dips 3 sets til failure