Introduce Yourself!



  • leigh302
    leigh302 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Everyone, My name is Leigh. Ive been battling weight for a while. I started Ripped this morning and already feel sore, but a good sore. I've been married for 15 years. I have a 11 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. LIfe is insane with all the sports games we go too. So eating healthy is super hard being in a car a lot. I'm going to try to go by the meal plan. I hope to stay focused.
  • priorm123
    priorm123 Posts: 14
    Hello everyone

    I am a 25 year old mother of three young boys (3, 5 and 6), and hoping to shift about a stone over the next 6 weeks using this DVD and a healthy eating plan. I have been following Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 DVD (irregularly) throughout May, but having just had a week off due to illness (children give you the best presents, lol), I'm looking for a little motivation to get started again properly. I've just purchased some heavier weights (3kg) as I was finding my 1.5kg ones too easy, and am looking forward to 30 days of hard work (well, 26 with one day off each week). I will start again at week 1, and try to work through, although I must admit after my one and only attempt at week 3 I don't know how far I'll get! I figure just sticking to one of the workouts a day for 30 days has to be good though!

    Maybe if anyone else is starting over the next few days we could do weekly check-ins, what do you think?

    Wishing all of you the best of luck :happy:
  • daithompson
    daithompson Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone

    I'm from Wyncote, PA, I love running and I first started working out with the 30 day Shred last year, I'm currently on R30, this is my second week and I lost 4 pounds so far. I'm planning to lose more 10 pounds for my wedding next spring.

    GW: 125
  • ChubbyChooChoo
    ChubbyChooChoo Posts: 2 Member
    hay, im meg!
    i am 14, 5'11" and ready to get in shape!
    I will start Ripped in 30 tomorrow (so excited)
  • jenndelgado
    jenndelgado Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Jenn I've just started Ripped in 30 yesterday. I'm alternating it with Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds/ Walk at home dvds to get my cardio and to rest my muscles. So far I'm on day 2 and I'm sore. So that is all I have I have to run to class :) I might add stuff later :)
  • almmiles
    almmiles Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm Andrea and I just did day 1 of week 1 today. I have two kids Izzy who's 4 and JD who's 2. I've been married to my wonderful hubby for 4 years but dated a few years prior so together for over 6. We are currently living is Seoul South Korea. Its nice for the most part. Hard however not really knowing many people or speaking the language (trying to learn it though). CW is 142 I am about midway through my journey. Started in Jan without MFP at 165 was at 146 when I joined MFP. I feel like I'm at an ok weight. I have a bigger build for my height and have never been super thin. The thinnest I have been is 135. More than anything right now I'm trying to get back to 135 so I'm almost there and I am in desperate need of some toning!
  • vicnlibby
    vicnlibby Posts: 1 Member
    I am 41. Have had the worst summer of my life, boyfriend of almost 7 yrs moved out (not sure if we are broken up entirely), then he hit a deer with his car (he is okay, deer ran off, car now repaired), my dad had a heart attack, went home for a month to take care of him, boyfriend's uncle died, the next week my dad passes away, day after his memorial, sewer backs up in his house, been away from my home for almost 2 months (minus one week). Needless to say, I have had it and only hope things turn around.
    It is time to make changes and really need to start focusing on me. I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life (175lbs 5'7") and really am trying to get motivated to stick with exercising and eating better. I bought the ripped in30 DVD and did day 1 of week 1 last Monday. And nothing again until today. SO, it is now Sunday and I am really really going to try and keep with it. Hopefully, by joining a group like this it will help. :) ultimate goal is to get to 135, initial goal is 155.
  • brimau1966
    Hello everyone! I started the Ripped in 30 today. I hope i can keep it up! I need to be in shape for next month. I'm looking to tone up and be more defined, as well as lose a few extra pounds.

  • stasherella
    stasherella Posts: 46 Member
    Hi i am Tasha and I "officially" started Ripped in 30 Yesterday so I am on week one day 2 alternating with Leslie, Zumba and park walking. I wanted to know if anyone has had any success off of the JM RI30 DVD and if they did how? I am thinking about doubling up some days to see if I can see some results sooner. i noticed most of the post are from last year so hoping someone has had some success.
  • MrsMason101212
    MrsMason101212 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I just picked up RI30 last night. I got it because I thought the 20 minute work out seemed a little less intimidating to me than longer ones. I figure that I can do anything for 20 minutes.

    I am a 36 year old mother of 4, my youngest is 10. I work as a librarian and do bits of things at home to make some extra money. I also occasionally help with our goat farm. This winter I put on 20 pounds and lost a lot of muscle. I hate the cold and I also get seasonal mood changes so I don't tend to take good care of myself in winter. I weighed about 168 at the start of 2012. Now I have creeped up to 184. I am doing RI30 mostly to get my fitness back up. Any weight lost will be a bonus.

    Today I started. I sweat a lot. I had to modify some of the moves. One I could not really do but I tried my best. I am already sore. I can tell this will kick my butt.
  • ReniaL
    ReniaL Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, I am Renata and I plan to start the Ripped in 30 on Monday! I have done the 30 Day Shred DVD and loved it. I had great results but had to live at my mums in law for a considerable time and all the good efforts went away after having too many nice dinners served by her :)

    Not complaining - but starting from scratch :)x
  • kzeug
    kzeug Posts: 21 Member
    Hello from the U.P. of Michigan.
    My name is Kelsey and I am a mom of three, ages 6, 4 and 3 months. I picked up Ripped in 30 about three weeks ago and got through level two. Then my PMS week came and I got all of track and eating everything in sight. This is my problem area. I'm back on track now. I'm just starting over because I feel like I lost some of what I gained. I just started week 1 again one day ago.

    As mentioned above, my youngest is three months. About 9 months after having my second, I dropped 20 lb. and maintained it for the next three years. Now I have to start all over again. I have about 4 lb. to go to reach the weight I was when I got pregnant. Ideally, I want to drop at least 10 more. I pretty much started working out and eating right after my six week checkup. I had a c-section so I had to stick with low impact exercises as the jumping around still my tummy sore. I did Biggest Loser Cardio Max for some time after and I wanted something more aggressive and new. I'm so happy I bought it. My husband is a P90X guy and is a great motivation for me. Out of curiosity he did level one with me and was REALLY impressed that it was such a great workout in such a short time. He woke up the next day sore and I'm pretty sure he told me not to tell anyone, lol. I told my husband when I get through the Ripped in 30, I would try P90X.

    Here's to getting through all four levels!
  • meaglesjb
    meaglesjb Posts: 7 Member
    Hi All,

    Meghan here from Toronto. I'm the proud mom of a very active 2-year old who keeps my very busy. I work full time and my husband works shifts, so I'm on my own in the evenings with my little girl. Love the 30 minute, intense workouts that JM has to offer. As I can't get out to the gym, this is something I can do in the basement after my little girl goes to bed.

    Just finished Week 1 of RI30. Start Week 2 tomorrow - I'm anticipating some soreness again (having gotten over the soreness from the first workout). I didn't take measurements before I started, but I will take some tomorrow, to at least have 3 weeks of progress to measure.

    Hope to find some support here and motivation to keep me on track!
  • schortey
    schortey Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I am Angela and would like to know who wants to start as a group on ripped in 30. My copy is collecting dust on my book shelf. I think it will motivate me!!!