Jillian Micheals advice - rant

sedosher Posts: 142 Member
Jillian Micheals just posted this on her Facebook page:

"Weight loss tip - So many people come up to me and tell me they can’t lose weight and yet, I haven’t ever met a person I can’t take weight off. You're not counting calories. Forget all the fad diets for a moment and just focus on the basics. Weight loss will always require burning more calories than you take in. Calories in versus calories out. If you're trying to lose weight I recommend 1200 cals a day for a woman & 1400 cals a day for a man. Only exception is green veggies. Eat as many greens as you want, but make sure they aren’t cooked in a fattening sauce. Don’t get hamstrung by fads like avoiding carbs or grains, going raw, and so on. It’s perfectly healthy to eat carbs, fat, and protein as long as they are not overly processed and loaded with chemicals like trans fats, artificial sweeteners, flavors and colors, hfcs, and so on. Eat real food with calorie control and you can’t go wrong."

This obviously has some great advice in it, however I feel like her followers are being lead down the wrong path with her advice on calorie intake. She mentions nothing about increasing calories for high calorie burns, etc. Those that take this advice are obviously netting below 1200/1400 calories if that is all they are consuming and then exercising. I understand that she has a business and those that follow her advice MUST lose weight or she would not have a business. However, I feel like this advice could lead many of her followers into yo-yo dieting for life trying to accomplish weight loss.

Anyway, this is just a rant. I read her post on my lunch break and it got me heated for a few minutes. :)


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Ever since Jillian started selling fat burners/diet pills I wrote her off. It made me a little sad too!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I know. I'm really surprised she would advocate for people eating lower than 1200 calories. But she's always been about quick results, like you see on the Biggest Loser. I love her DVD's and many of her recipes are delicious but her overall eating plans are for the birds.
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    I just saw this, too. It pissed me off. Which sucks, because I really like Jillian. :frown:
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Wow. That is sad. I'm sure so many people are going to follow that advice. Of course I guess if they yo-yo they have to keep buying her workouts. Repeat business...
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Haha I just posted about this in one of the groups I'm a member in. There were around 8,000 likes and almost 600 comments (most in agreement, I read them all) on her status. It's frustrating to me that someone who has such an influence on people would give this kind of advice. :(
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I just posted about this in the other thread in the group, but MAN, this drives me crazy!!!! That's why it gets embedded in our head, when we see people that we "trust" lead us in wayward directions like that, then we have to "de-program" ourselves when it all blows up in our face ......grrrr :explode:

    The other thread:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    The other annoying thing is that the 1200 number is completely arbitrary. It was concocted by the ACSM as the bare minimum a WOMAN needs to eat to get the minimum required nutrients from food to stave off disease. Its not a magical number or the beginning of starvation or anything else. Its what a consensus of people agreed was a minimum diet to get nutrients from real food.

    To boot, men use this number too- and the same guidelines that established the 1200 for women established 1800 cals as the minimum for men, but you never hear men using 1800 as their minimum. I guess its just not sexy enough.

    I wish more people would do a little research as to where the generally accepted "rules of thumb" came from, it makes them a lot less magical.
  • AmberCHP
    AmberCHP Posts: 6 Member
    I was with her right up to the point that she suggested 1200 for women and 1400 for men... that's stupidly low! I guess if you lay in bed all day that might be ok! I agree with the part about counting calories (obviously, that's why I'm on MFP) and I don't think enough people count their calories, but I don't think much of her recommended intakes. I still loose 1/2 per week by eating 1800, and that's not counting any exercise! Of course, I'm not trying to lose it fast.
  • googsgirl
    googsgirl Posts: 76 Member
    This bugs me too- but I am glad I know better now! I love her workouts and just finished her No More Trouble Zones a few minutes ago with heavy weights- awesome.

    I cant believe she would recommend 1400 calories for anyone. I am eating 1750-2200 and honestly, some days, I could eat more!

    There is so much marketing involved with these celebrities- it's all business/ money making. I will keep working out to her DVD's but her diet advice sucks.
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Amen!! I didn't start losing until I increased my calories! You've got to eat to lose!!
  • sedosher
    sedosher Posts: 142 Member
    Sorry didn't realize there were two threads about this exact topic. haha

    I am so happy that I found all you ladies that agree with me on this and can get mad right along with me when we read something like this. :) I just hate it for all those women/men that have no other source of knowledge besides what they hear from mainstream fitness experts...because this is the advice they will get!

    I have mentioned this before...but I was very discouraged when I got Chalean Extreme and was recommended 1400 calories with no mention of net calories, etc and it is a heavy lifting program. I LOVE CLX and plan to finish it, but I have not stuck to her recommendation for intake.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I can't even describe the level of disgust, professional disgust, that I have toward her now.

    I don't know her personally so will not remark on her personal life, feelings etc- I can stand up and say she is harming millions of Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters, Fathers, Sons and brothers- I cannot support her or any BL's products. I won't have the institution of starvation get any of my money. I can't physically stomach the thought.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I always look at it like a drug dealer. 1200 cals is the "crack" people can continue to promote/sell us, because it "works" .....at first. Then, long after it stops working, we will just keep going, and going with it, seeking that first "high"....

    so sad......
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I just saw it too and had to comment, what a ridiculous blanket statement for her to make
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I know. I'm really surprised she would advocate for people eating lower than 1200 calories. But she's always been about quick results, like you see on the Biggest Loser. I love her DVD's and many of her recipes are delicious but her overall eating plans are for the birds.

    Amen to that! I am doing her Body Revolution series and am loving it but not her eating plan.

    I would like to add this to what everyone else is saying: Just imagine the NET of the Biggest Loser folks who are working out all day!! They HAVE to be in "negative NET" territory!! I BET they need "medical supervision"!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I always look at it like a drug dealer. 1200 cals is the "crack" people can continue to promote/sell us, because it "works" .....at first. Then, long after it stops working, we will just keep going, and going with it, seeking that first "high"....

    so sad......

    The truest statement EVER!!!

    Thank you girls, for not only going against the "party line" but for providing us with the detailed information needed for us to succeed!!
  • Newme012
    Newme012 Posts: 43
    I posted about this today, as well! Jillian Michaels, I am disappointed. You can't tell me she eats 1200. She has to be eating much more to feed those muscles.. No wonder we all think we need to starve to be healthy... :(
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I always look at it like a drug dealer. 1200 cals is the "crack" people can continue to promote/sell us, because it "works" .....at first. Then, long after it stops working, we will just keep going, and going with it, seeking that first "high"....

    so sad......

    That has got to be the best analogy I have EVER heard!!!! uh, read!
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    I posted about this today, as well! Jillian Michaels, I am disappointed. You can't tell me she eats 1200. She has to be eating much more to feed those muscles.. No wonder we all think we need to starve to be healthy... :(
    In her book "Master your Metabolism" she talks about how she used to obsess over every calorie and ate 1200 calories. Then she found out her metabolism was screwed up and she now eats 2000 a day. How could she then turn around and recommend 1200 calories to others? So they can f up their metabolism too? *head desk*
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    I posted about this today, as well! Jillian Michaels, I am disappointed. You can't tell me she eats 1200. She has to be eating much more to feed those muscles.. No wonder we all think we need to starve to be healthy... :(
    In her book "Master your Metabolism" she talks about how she used to obsess over every calorie and ate 1200 calories. Then she found out her metabolism was screwed up and she now eats 2000 a day. How could she then turn around and recommend 1200 calories to others? So they can f up their metabolism too? *head desk*

    OMG! not cool, jillian. that's seriously deceptive. she is so clearly in it for the money and not actually helping people lose weight and MAINTAIN.