

  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    Um so I don't know what I was doing in class, but one of my students noticed my right bicep and was like "Woa. Mrs. Chm has got some muscles!!" LOL it's amazing sometimes what 7th graders will say (and that they notice things too!)! I was like "Yeah! Check this one out!" flexing my left arm! We all laughed pretty hard and I have told them I have been working out. Really felt good that someone has noticed! hehe!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    Just noticed this thread - very good idea!

    1. When I used to workout before, no one really paid attention, probably because I was never doing it regularly enough. Now, in the evenings, our finished basement is MINE for about 40 minutes. My kids (9 & 3) know this and see it as part of OUR daily routine. They say things like, "Is is time for your workout?" or "How many calories did you burn this time, Mom?" or my 3 year old asks, "Can I help you stretch?" I sometimes allow her to participate during the cool down (never during the workout - I'm afraid I'll stumble into her or wack her with a weight!). This tells me that my kids are starting to view exercise (not just running and playing and riding their bikes) as a really important part of life and health - and they're interested!

    2. Not only is there more room in my bra cups, but I also have to use the tighest hooks in the back!

    3. Today I'm wearing jeans that I have not worn in almost 10 years. (so yeah, I'm in better shape, AND I also feel old -ha!)

    4. I have the same belt problem! My black belt is way too big, but I still haven't replaced it yet, so I still wear it. On the tightest hole, the buckle just kind of hangs there, leaning forward, like a previous poster mentioned. It serves no purpose what-so-ever.

    5. My husband mentions almost every time we hug or get close how he notices how "solid" I feel in certain places that I used to be mushy. :)

    6. My butt? Let me tell you about my butt. I work in an office 5 days a week and for the most part, I'm at a desk. I try my hardest to get up and move, but my poor tush flattened out big time. Now? It's narrow, it's round and firm and I love it! Thank you squats!! (this is my favorite one) :smile:

    Like everyone else, I'm still working on my pooch. If I could stop losing weight right now and keep my body looking the way it is now, I would - and only want to change my belly. It's SO frustrating. It's changing, but it's taking a loooong time. I'll get there!

    Can't wait to read more!


    I've lost my boobs too :( and it's great when your husband notices. They don't notice if you dye your hair, but when you lose weight and they compliment you on it... man, does that feel good! We are all doing so well!!!
  • azwaa
    azwaa Posts: 81 Member
    I noticed this week that my bra straps don't fall down anymore, I have lovely shaped shoulder dents that hold them up! Boobs haven't shrunk, fortunately.