I NEED your help!

I am loving this group. So much good, well-researched and detailed information. I am a total advocate of fueling the body. I started out in December eating around 1800 and have since then lost 29 pounds. I increased my goal to 0.5 pounds per week since I am approaching my goal. Please read this post that I posted on the forums (and didn't get very helpful answers to) and let me know what you think.

Here's the post (I've edited to reflect updates):

"I've been at the same weight for a few weeks and I'm becoming impatient. I have weighed myself every few days and there are small fluctuations but I attribute those to water weight. I have measured myself and I haven't lost any inches either.

I'm 5'9" and I weigh 171 lbs. I net around 1750 per day. I eat my exercise calories (approx 300-500/day) so I get to eat around 2000-2200 calories per day. I have a few cheat days every once in a while, but nothing more than 500 or so calories over my calorie budget, which I'm sure is compensated for by my modest overestimation of how much I eat and reasonable underestimation of how much I burn.

I eat generally healthy foods, I'd say 80% natural/whole foods and 20% processed foods (although "processed" is a fairly vague term... I don't eat things like cheetos, but sometimes I do eat frozen meals and the like).

I have a bodybugg that tracks my calories burned while I work out and I believe it is accurate, but as I mentioned above, I always underestimate the amount I burn by at least 50 to 100 calories just to be safe. My workouts vary between running/speed walking HIIT intervals, dancing, weight lifting, yoga, and spinning.

I feel that I'm doing everything right. I'm eating enough, drinking water like crazy, exercising consistently, and sleeping plenty (9 hours per night). I have about 15 more pounds to lose and I'm going to go nuts if I don't start losing again soon. Please help!"

My bodybugg estimated TDEE is about 2800-3000. Should I be eating even more? I had two big cheat days over the weekend to try and shock my body because I've heard people have had success with that method. It didn't do anything; my weight didn't change.


  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hopefully the other more experienced EMTWL'ers will be able to answer you in more detail but figured I was online so I'd take a shot!

    If your Bodybugg is estimating your TDEE at 2800-3000, that's what you should be eating every day (unless of course you're taking a 15-20% deficit). The only time you need to eat your exercise calories back is if you net below your BMR.

    You're close to your goal weight so I'm sure the other ladies here will have more detailed info for you on how to reach your goal now that you're close!
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Bump for later.
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    I'm not experienced, but have you tried eating closer to maintenance for a week? I've only just upped my calories a few months ago and I'm STILL waiting for my body to adjust. I just keep "gaining"/"losing" 4 lbs with no rhyme or reason. It's been frustrating.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I'd up the cals. You're still eating a bit low for your stats.

    If you haven't taken a "diet break" in a while, then I'd suggest going up to maintenance first, even if just for a week or so (4 would be ideal), and then dropping into a smaller deficit of TDEE -15%. For instance my weight loss stalled a couple of weeks back, actually it was going....up!...so I went up to maintenance for about a week, got the party started again as my body released about 4lbs in water that it must have been holding on to for that whole month that I didn't lose. Seeing my body react so quickly last week, this week I dropped back down to the deficit, though I was pretty content w/the progress I saw @ maintenance and am contemplating just going up and staying there....

  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    I'd up the cals. You're still eating a bit low for your stats.

    If you haven't taken a "diet break" in a while, then I'd suggest going up to maintenance first, even if just for a week or so (4 would be ideal), and then dropping into a smaller deficit of TDEE -15%. For instance my weight loss stalled a couple of weeks back, actually it was going....up!...so I went up to maintenance for about a week, got the party started again as my body released about 4lbs in water that it must have been holding on to for that whole month that I didn't lose. Seeing my body react so quickly his week, I dropped back down to the deficit, though I was pretty content w/the progress I saw @ maintenance and am contemplating just going up and staying there....


    Interesting. I'm actually going on vacation soon, so eating at maintenance and not having to worry so much about calories would be very convenient! I'll give it a try.
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    Any other input? I'm really struggling :(
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    Any other input? I'm really struggling :(
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member