Whats your name, where have you come from?

4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
I'm lally, I live in Switzerland at about 2000m in altitude. Guess you can say I enjoy the high life! Lol!!
I have a lovely Australian husband and 4 mudblood daughters! (half english, half aussie! lol!) My eldest daughter is 4 years old and my youngest 3 are 3 years old.
I studied law at Durham Uni in England but now run a small family business. My husband is in finance so I guess we are not the most diverse or exciting couple but we are happy with our lot in life!
I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys in this group. So tell us more about who you are.............


  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I'm Rebecca. I'm 29 and I live in Middletown, Ohio, which is about 35 minutes north of Cincinnati. I live with my boyfriend of 4 years, and we have shared custody of his two children, Madison, who is 10, and Nathan, who is 5. We have 2 dogs, a cat, 4 fish, and a turtle. Matt and I both work full time, and with the kids busy schedule of school, daycare, soccer and baseball - we are always on the go! I am about halfway through my weight loss journey. I have lost about 60 pounds, and I have about 60 pounds left to lose! I am currently doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women, and of course, the C25K training program. I love lifting, and I am pretty sure I am going to love running too!
  • StephMykytuk
    Hi, My name is Stephanie and I live in Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada. It is a town of about 25,000 and borders on the Saskatchewan border. You could live in one of two different provinces in this town!
    I have been married for 4 years and my husband and I both work full time in the oil industry.
    I work at a desk job and have finally decided that its time for me to start taking care of myself. I have just started eating better and excercising this week.
    Its great to meet everyone!
  • JaxCanRun
    My name is Jackie and I live in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, home of the cheesesteak, soft pretzel, hoagie and other foods that are incredibly bad for you. I graduated C25K last July but fell off of the bandwagon. My husband tells me I inspired him to start running, so now I'm back. Successfully completed W3D1 last night on the treadmill. I hate the treadmill. Much rather run outside, but I get used to it for those hot and humid days of summer.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    It is lovely to meet you all x
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    My name is Susan. I live in Indiana (originally a NYer). I have two boys, 13yo and 15yo. A dog. A cat. And a love of my life / idgit who I live with - depending on the day :happy:

    I have started C25K countless times, never to make it past the second week. I'm hoping this group provides the motivation to change that this time.

    I am signing up for the Warrior Dash this August, and I would like to be able to finish with a decent time, while having fun, and not embarrassing myself by spewing in the mud hole at the end.

    A girl's gotta dream...
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I live on the Virginia coast (but am from New York)! I love the warm weather and all the sunny days we get to spend on the ocean! Unfortunately, I do not relish the idea of putting on a swimsuit {understatement}.

    Once upon a time, I was a really, really big girl. Somewhere in the 260s-- probably even 270s, I stopped weighing myself long before that. I have struggled with this all my life. Several years ago, I lost a whole bunch and was down to about 190 lbs and a size 10. Over the last 2 years, I slowly gained back 30 of it and finally joined MFP. I've lost 10 since February (slow, I know) and am on a mission to lose the rest of this excess fat once and for all.

    Doing C25K alongside Stronglifts 5x5 and hoping to see it start coming off quicker! (I LOVE a plan!) I will be pretty happy if I can just fit back into my 10s by the time summer is really in full swing.

  • kristinakingsley
    My name is Kristina and I live in Colorado. I just recently finished a boot camp through my work and am now starting C25k with my 15 year old son. I am doing it to get in better shape, he is doing it as training for football. It is fun to do it together, gives us time to talk just the 2 of us. Good Luck everyone!!!
  • TStend
    TStend Posts: 8
    My name is Tanya. I live in Pulaski, WI (20 miles west of Green Bay). I have two boys (ages 4 and 2) and a husband of 8 years. I have always been a pretty active person, but once I got pregnant I got VERY sick. Pregnancy did horrible things to my insides. After giving birth to my second child, I ended up having 4 surgeries over the next 6 months to repair my kidney, gallbladder and pancreas. I just had my 1 year check-up at the end of December and everything is well. I started to work out in Jan 2012 but wasnt seeing weight loss. I heard about this site and figured I'd give it a try. I have only been on here for a few weeks, but what an eye opener!!! Thanks to all of you guys, I am working harding, eating better and seeing the results. I cannot wait to run my first 5K post-babies!! I have also signed up for the Tough Mudder in Sept (what was I thinking)!!! Happy running friends!
  • jms3533
    jms3533 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm Jen and from Florida. I am an empty nester, and decided to try running again since I have lost 59 pounds. I loved it when I was fit and running regularly. There is nothing like the high you get after running a couple miles. I just started the C25K today, and am looking forward to the journey of getting back to running.