Signs are good at 2100 cals day ...

I joined MFP two weeks ago weighing in at 266 lbs and for the first week followed the calories given by the site of 1540. I was so pleased in my first week to lose 6lbs. LUCKILY at the end of the first week I found the Eat More to Weigh less group and read up posts (in place of a road map etc) indicating it was better to increase your calories to lose weight in the long term. With trepidation I upped my calories to 2100 after finding my BMR was approximately 1876 (did the road map calculations and strangely my BMR was said to be 1509 by the Katch figures but every other site indicates around 1870 mark so gone with that) and my TDEE 2554 - 15% 2171 (lightly active). Got on the scales today and down another 1.4 pounds. I have a pilates machine which was gathering dust in the corner which I have dusted off and am using 20 minutes every other day and I walk my dog slowly for 30 minutes (he is old) each day. I think probably this week I shall be upping my calories again as still don't think I am eating enough. I am female, 46 years old and currently 55.3% body fat EEKKK. Not got any friends on this site yet but would be pleased to hear from people who eat the same if not more and have the same long journey to a healthy weight.


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Hi there :)

    I eat 2300 cals right now- might go up a bit from here when I get physically better and can lift harder again. Really, I play it by ear and don't sweat it much. I'm 260 right now and working on down to around 175. Our bf% is really similar too :)

    I'd be happy to be friends just fyi- I don't eat clean and aren't looking to start. Gemi without pudding is not a good Gemi. lol So don't freak out if you see pudding, ice cream and tater tots on my menu.

    I mainly lift weights- some random cardio (soccer in the park type deal, a walk after dinner perhaps).
  • Mandanbil
    Mandanbil Posts: 40
    Hi Gemi, thanks for your response, sent you a friend request, certainly wouldn't be commenting on what you eat, pleased to see we have the same sort of statistics. Hate to say I did the weight loss/regain it all back thing a few years back (I lost 9 stone) by starving myself and was not prepared to starve this time. I suffer with poor health and need to get this weight off.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hi there!

    I started MFP a year ago at 211 and I'm 5'0". I lost 20, gained 3/4 of it back and now back down 11 at 200 even.
    I was eating UNDER 1000 calories on most days and no comment on what my NET was.......

    SO, now I find this method and am giving it a try. I am going to stay OFF the scale because seeing gains will kill me. The information provided on this board is very compelling and I must say, I am convinced that these ladies know thier stuff!!

    I am age 51 and have MS which affects my balance and energy level but I manage to exercise nearly evey day~ of course I have to nap/rest all afternoon to recover!!

    All the best to you and Gemi, good to see you again!
  • Mandanbil
    Mandanbil Posts: 40
    Thanks rosied915, before I found this site I was going to follow the Diet Chef programme of 1200 calories but before my food box arrived I found this site. SO pleased I did as the box has arrived and from whats in it UGH I wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes on my weight loss journey and would have been eating 600 below my BMR. I shall use up the contents for snacks instead of main meals as now I am 2000+ calories a day I have a bit more calories to play with. Your dogs look sweethearts, I love my dog too. I shall send you a friend request if you don't mind as reading your profile I can definitely relate.