Exercise and calories

Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
Hello all!

Just a question.

My typical exercise routine is as follows:
Monday, 5:45 a.m., Spin class
Tuesday, 5:40 a.m., BodyPump class
Wednesday, rest
Thursday, 5:40 a.m., BodyPump class
Friday, 5:45 a.m., Spin class
Saturday, whenever I have time!, a weight and cardio circle with machines (similar to the Curves workout)
Sunday, rest

I am approximately three weeks in to eating more. My TDEE-20% is 2176. My BMR is 1750. For the past two weeks, I have been feeling extremely tired. I had my blood work done this morning; I have hypothyroidism and feel that my meds need to be adjusted. Because of the tiredness, I have not been able to drag myself out of bed at 4:30 (I live a bit of a distance from my gym) to workout. I have worked out a couple times in the evening, but I am beat at the end of the day. This past weekend I mowed, did lots of yardwork and hung wallpaper border at my boyfriend's house. I haven't been completely inactive, but my activities on a daily basis have definitely not been up to my standards nor what I would call "moderate activity" - which is what I based my TDEE on.

I get my blood results back next Tuesday or Wednesday. I am contemplating taking a break from working out until then and hoping to get my body back to normal. I am enjoying eating the 2176 and have, in fact, went over by a couple hundred for a few days. I haven't seen any weight loss - yet! - or inches lost, but my clothes are definitely not fitting like I have the extra 10 pounds on me that the scale says I do! lol

I was just wanting opinions, advice, etc., on continuing to eat for a moderate activity level at the moment. I think I probably should, just to create consistency, but I wanted some of the experts to chime in. :flowerforyou: Please and thank you!


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I'd say just stay consistent. Even if you don't workout, it will turn into more of a metabolism reset, and allow your body to get used to higher cals anyway. If, in 4-6 weeks, you still aren't back up to your usual routine, then it should be fine to lower your activity level, & recalculate. But let's not put your body through too many adjustments at once. The refeed is probably much needed, regardless... :wink:

    Keep us posted on the blood results, I hope you get it all situated. Typically once your meds are tweaked to that "sweet spot," you're golden. But in the meantime the tiredness is kind of a bummer :indifferent: , and it may have been time for a rest week from training anyway, as that can also be a sign of over-training.. So be sure to incorporate rest weeks every now and again (8 weeks or so), when you get back to it.

    Take care of yourself

  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I'd say just stay consistent. Even if you don't workout, it will turn into more of a metabolism reset, and allow your body to get used to higher cals anyway. If, in 4-6 weeks, you still aren't back up to your usual routine, then it should be fine to lower your activity level, & recalculate. But let's not put your body through too many adjustments at once. The refeed is probably much needed, regardless... :wink:

    Keep us posted on the blood results, I hope you get it all situated. Typically once your meds are tweaked to that "sweet spot," you're golden. But in the meantime the tiredness is kind of a bummer :indifferent: , and it may have been time for a rest week from training anyway, as that can also be a sign of over-training.. So be sure to incorporate rest weeks every now and again (8 weeks or so), when you get back to it.

    Take care of yourself


    Thanks so much!! I needed this. I am crossing my fingers and my toes. :)
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Okay, I'm just updating this because I need to tell SOMEONE, lol.

    Last week I stuck with the 2176 +/- a couple hundred. This week, I added exercise back in (not quite at the intensity as I was before, as I'm still getting my thyroid meds figured out), and I decided to up my calories to my TDEE (2720) for the week. Next week, I'll keep the exercise and adjust back to my cut (2176). I haven't seen any loss on the scale (still up 10 pounds!), but my close aren't getting significantly tighter. I just have that weird feeling that I have more back fat (lol) and my belly is a little bloated, but I'm working on that! Probiotics + water + coffee = my friends!

    I typed my exercise schedule earlier, but I've decided to switch it up a bit for the month. I love, love, love lifting, so I'm going to concentrate on that. This is not set in stone, but here's my new schedule:

    Monday - Full-body strength training (machines and free weights)
    Tuesday - off
    Wednesday - mowing my friend's grandma's yard (it's not huge, but I typically burn around 500-600 calories and actually enjoy it!) OR Spin class
    Thursday - Full-body strength training (machines and free weights)
    Friday - Spin class OR strength/cardio circuit
    Saturday - Strength/cardio circuit OR mowing at my boyfriend's house

    I have experience with free weights in the "guys" part of the gym, but I am feeling more confident with the machines at the moment. The only two machines that I can't seem to get an adequate feel with are the bicep curl and squat machines, so I will be doing those with free weights. I don't think I will be going to BodyPump until next month; I love it, but I do want to lift heavier.

    SO, what I've done with my calories ... my theory is this: Last week I ate my cut, but didn't exercise. I've leveled off at 223 (from 213 starting weight). This week, I've ate my TDEE and added exercise. I don't think my weight should shift much - I'm weighing on Saturday morning. Next week, I'll eat my cut and continue my exercise, so I am hoping to see a drop! My fingers are crossed.

    Thoughts? Opinions? Encouragement? :smile: Pleaseeeee?
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    *bump* :flowerforyou:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Okay, I'm just updating this because I need to tell SOMEONE, lol.

    Last week I stuck with the 2176 +/- a couple hundred. This week, I added exercise back in (not quite at the intensity as I was before, as I'm still getting my thyroid meds figured out), and I decided to up my calories to my TDEE (2720) for the week. Next week, I'll keep the exercise and adjust back to my cut (2176). I haven't seen any loss on the scale (still up 10 pounds!), but my close aren't getting significantly tighter. I just have that weird feeling that I have more back fat (lol) and my belly is a little bloated, but I'm working on that! Probiotics + water + coffee = my friends!

    I typed my exercise schedule earlier, but I've decided to switch it up a bit for the month. I love, love, love lifting, so I'm going to concentrate on that. This is not set in stone, but here's my new schedule:

    Monday - Full-body strength training (machines and free weights)
    Tuesday - off
    Wednesday - mowing my friend's grandma's yard (it's not huge, but I typically burn around 500-600 calories and actually enjoy it!) OR Spin class
    Thursday - Full-body strength training (machines and free weights)
    Friday - Spin class OR strength/cardio circuit
    Saturday - Strength/cardio circuit OR mowing at my boyfriend's house

    I have experience with free weights in the "guys" part of the gym, but I am feeling more confident with the machines at the moment. The only two machines that I can't seem to get an adequate feel with are the bicep curl and squat machines, so I will be doing those with free weights. I don't think I will be going to BodyPump until next month; I love it, but I do want to lift heavier.

    SO, what I've done with my calories ... my theory is this: Last week I ate my cut, but didn't exercise. I've leveled off at 223 (from 213 starting weight). This week, I've ate my TDEE and added exercise. I don't think my weight should shift much - I'm weighing on Saturday morning. Next week, I'll eat my cut and continue my exercise, so I am hoping to see a drop! My fingers are crossed.

    Thoughts? Opinions? Encouragement? :smile: Pleaseeeee?

    The boards fly so fast, I am glad I scrolled down...almost missed ya.

    Wow, I would like to know what your weigh in is with eating TDEE and exercise. I would say, don't cut if you are trending down or you stayed the same. I would rather you not bounce your calories down right now since you ate TDEE this week. Stick with TDEE for the next couple weeks to see how you trend with the lifting. If you trend down, I would say keep eating TDEE and then at week 8 do a 10% cut. That gives you some wiggle room to cut another 5%.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    The boards fly so fast, I am glad I scrolled down...almost missed ya.

    Wow, I would like to know what your weigh in is with eating TDEE and exercise. I would say, don't cut if you are trending down or you stayed the same. I would rather you not bounce your calories down right now since you ate TDEE this week. Stick with TDEE for the next couple weeks to see how you trend with the lifting. If you trend down, I would say keep eating TDEE and then at week 8 do a 10% cut. That gives you some wiggle room to cut another 5%.

    Thanks SO much for replying!!!! I am weighing in Saturday a.m. I will let you know! Ooo, this is exciting. :) I can't imagine being able to eat this many calories for several weeks in a row! We shall see!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    The boards fly so fast, I am glad I scrolled down...almost missed ya.

    Wow, I would like to know what your weigh in is with eating TDEE and exercise. I would say, don't cut if you are trending down or you stayed the same. I would rather you not bounce your calories down right now since you ate TDEE this week. Stick with TDEE for the next couple weeks to see how you trend with the lifting. If you trend down, I would say keep eating TDEE and then at week 8 do a 10% cut. That gives you some wiggle room to cut another 5%.

    Thanks SO much for replying!!!! I am weighing in Saturday a.m. I will let you know! Ooo, this is exciting. :) I can't imagine being able to eat this many calories for several weeks in a row! We shall see!

    If I don't get back to ya, inbox me Sat...like I said the boards move super fast...
  • akirla
    akirla Posts: 22 Member
    I am currently being treated for Hypothyroid. It took about a month for my levels to go back to normal on meds and then I was able to start loosing weight again. So hang in there.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I am currently being treated for Hypothyroid. It took about a month for my levels to go back to normal on meds and then I was able to start loosing weight again. So hang in there.

    Yay! Thanks. :) This is the second time my meds have been adjusted and it definitely takes a little time to return to relative normalcy, haha
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I am currently being treated for Hypothyroid. It took about a month for my levels to go back to normal on meds and then I was able to start loosing weight again. So hang in there.

    Yay! Thanks. :) This is the second time my meds have been adjusted and it definitely takes a little time to return to relative normalcy, haha

    I too have hypothyroidism, I am so intuned I can go in and tell my doctor when my levels aren't right. I did a video on it because it is a tricky thing...they can test TSH, but your T4 is off. They can test TSH and T4 but your T3 is off, you can be in the normal range, but it is at the low end of the normal range, which may not be an optimal range for you... Ok off the soap box Lucia
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member

    I too have hypothyroidism, I am so intuned I can go in and tell my doctor when my levels aren't right. I did a video on it because it is a tricky thing...they can test TSH, but your T4 is off. They can test TSH and T4 but your T3 is off, you can be in the normal range, but it is at the low end of the normal range, which may not be an optimal range for you... Ok off the soap box Lucia

    I've recently found out just how sensitive I can be to these levels! This is SO true.

    Update on my weight: Saturday a.m. weigh-in, I was at 222. I'm up this a.m. at 223, but over-all, there is no change.