I love paleo. Y'all inspire me!

kecarlto Posts: 49 Member
Just wanted to put it out there that I am loving paleo! I had been following the dietary exchange for about a year but hadn't lost any weight in the last 3 months. I heard about paleo and am 12 days into it. So far:
I've lost 9.5 lbs.
have more and steadier energy
sleep better
have clearer skin
have not been hungry like I was on the dietary exchange/low cal plan
and waking up/getting around in the morning is so much easier!

I felt like CRAP the first 2 days but since then it has been surprisingly easy. I haven't missed grains, sweets or dairy (I used to love cheese and a low fat mozz stick was my go-to quick snack). I haven't given up fruit totally but am down to only one piece every couple of days.

The only things that have bothered me have been the money spent on food - I know, I know eating healthy is expensive blahblah; the fact that I have to "warm" up the coconut milk in my fridge in order to pour it; and for some reason my mouth feels slimy. I'm a dental hygienist so I know it's not for lack of brushing and flossing. So, really, no "real" complaints.

I want to say thanks to all of you who post. Y'all have really helped me out and I love knowing others are having success as well as challenges. MFP is my new Fb! Hahaha.

1.5 lbs to go until the big -5.0.!


  • sethandjane
    sethandjane Posts: 74 Member
    Great to hear - congratulations!!!

    :) Jane
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Good Job....

    When I use coconut milk for things like adding to coffee I actually open a can of the light stuff because while it will thicken a little bit in the fridge it still remains liquid...

    As for the money - I have found a few things to make my budget stretch - when i can I will buy fresh frozen veggies - especially if I am using them for stir frys and hashes...usually a lot cheaper and I can pop them in the microwave - steam them up and then add them to my pan to crisp them.

    When I do up stir frys and such I add bulk by adding things like chopped up bok choy or even cutting peeled broccli stems into pieces - bok choy is fairly inexpensive and low in calories but makes for great filler...

    I hear you about the fruit - i have to watch my sugars and carbs to make the scale move so I typically allow myself one higher sugar/carb fruit or veggie (god I love me some sweet potato) a day...
  • ethelapple
    I have really benefitted from going primal (I am more primal than paleo...), have been doing it for 40 days and lost 13+ lbs....
    But food budget wise...I do agree that quality meat and produce is expensive, but I just keep thinking about the things I am SAVING money on...not eating out as much, no soda, no individually wrapped anythings (granola bars, little debbies, etc...) no fruit juice and very little dairy (which can get expensive), not buying sugar....potato chips, etc...:D So I feel somehow justified buying my $20 a lb. pasture raised lamb chops, and BOY are they tasty. Also, I'm not eating nearly as much VOLUME of food, so that helps on the grocery bill.
    Money savers for me include raising my own chickens for meat and eggs (and when my chickens aren't laying, I have a friend who will supply me), purchasing canned tuna and salmon, and buying meat in bulk.
  • kecarlto
    kecarlto Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for the tips!

    twinmom01 - I have a can of the light coconut milk and will be sure to try that in my coffee. I've never cooked with bok choy so I think I'll give that a try, too. Does it have an oniony taste or does it just look like it does?

    ethelapple - Keep it up!! Losing it is awesome! So true about saving money not buying junk. I just did my budget for next month and it turns out I have more $$ left over than usual even having bought all the organic grass fed meats. And, man, have they been tasty. I never liked spaghetti sauce with meat in it but after eating my paleo zucchini noodles with grass fed organic ground beef sauce it is now one of my favorites. YUMMS! You're lucky to be able to raise your own chickens but I'm too lazy for that :happy:
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    I've never cooked with bok choy so I think I'll give that a try, too. Does it have an oniony taste or does it just look like it does?
    Bok Choy is nothing like onions, so don't worry. The leaves are like a mild form of spinach, and the stalks have a light watery crunchiness that goes well with whatever flavors you are developing in your dish. Just chop it up and saute it in your favorite oil, or add it into any soup you're making.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    ... and for some reason my mouth feels slimy. I'm a dental hygienist so I know it's not for lack of brushing and flossing. So, really, no "real" complaints.
    1.5 lbs to go until the big -5.0.!

    What's up with the mouth thing???? I have a different feeling in my mouth. Mine is not what I would call "slimy" but it is definitely a different feeling to me. I can't really describe it; it's just different. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    ... and for some reason my mouth feels slimy. I'm a dental hygienist so I know it's not for lack of brushing and flossing. So, really, no "real" complaints.
    1.5 lbs to go until the big -5.0.!

    What's up with the mouth thing???? I have a different feeling in my mouth. Mine is not what I would call "slimy" but it is definitely a different feeling to me. I can't really describe it; it's just different. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Could it maybe be the ketones? Ketones are excreted through the urine and the breath. Maybe they could put a film in the mouth? Ketones are the by-product of your body using its own fat stores for fuel.

    I am one year Primal as of April 30, 2011. Best thing I ever did.