A new member to the Group!

thecazstewart Posts: 131 Member
Hi everyone,

After eating an average of 900-1100 daily calories for four years, my weight loss was slow to the point of stalling about a year ago. Ever since, I have lost/gained the same 2-3 pounds for the last 12 months. On the plus side I've dropped from over 233 pounds to my current 177 pounds and have also dropped 5 dress sizes.

I have at least 10-12 pounds to lose and I exercise 6-7 times a week. Fitness wise, I will be completing three marathons this year, one powerf walking and the other two jogging/walking. After my next marathon on 12th May, I will be back at the gym and doing more weights.

Having read so much about increasing my intake to lose properly, I have slowly raised my NET from 1200 to 1400 and then to 1500. I realise that having deprived myself of food for so many years, its going to take a while before my body trusts me enough to lose weight again. However, I have visibly slimmed down and almost boast a flat stomach now. Clothes are looser, I have more energy and more importantly, I'm not forever feeling bone deep cold any more. Oh and I also now have a rumbling stomach before meal times - I haven't felt hungry in years.

My stats:

Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 177 pounds
BMR: 1429
TDEE: 2294

The scales have yet to reward me, but this is feeling less scary as I continue to try and increase my NET further - although I know it probably needs to go to 1700-1800 per day yet. The guilt and feeling of being unsure about this is still strong.

This week, I'm struggling a bit to eat my NET of 1500, but hope that by the end of the week, I will be all square.

It's good to be amongst friends.


  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Welcome to the food side! ;) I definitely feel so much better getting to eat more. And I am losing weight at a nice and steady rate. Given the length of time that you were eating so little, it might be a bit before your body starts to lose again. Just keep working on getting those calories in and trust the process!