hopefully this is it!!!!!warning tmi lol

so after being told eat more weigh less after having a plateu for a month i decided what have i got to loose
i had a break last week from counting cals and gained 6lbs- not all fat i know but carried on working out
monday i reset all my goals and upped my calories to 1500 on my fitnesspall and continued my journey since monday im 5lb down and have lost an inch alover but do you know what i noticed......................
before i was eating an average of 800 calls a day and burning of 3000 a week threw exercise, i thought all this had changed my bowls habits along with quiting smoking, i thought i was constipated.
i now realise i wasnt constipated i wasnt even eating enough that left me with anything to significantly poop out
now im eating more along with a 5lb loss since monday im actually going to the toilet alot...............wow if i wasnt even eating enough to take a poop no wonder my body was clinging on to all my fat!!!!!

the ultimate test (when i truly believe in eat more weigh less) will be when i drop past 140lbs.i platoed at this for a month.
im on 141.6 at the minute but ive only been following this 3 days, when that last 2lbs comes off and im under 140lbs i will preach this message to everybody !!!!!! lol xxx


  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    Good for you! I love it! :)
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I had the same thing happen when I was doing VLCD's. That and my hair fell out, nails kept breaking, never sweated (to the point of overheating), couldn't regulate my own body temp at all (always freezing). I kid you not- just like you- in the first week of eating more all of that began to right itself.

    Never thought I'd be happy to poo and sweat :D

    I hope you push through your plateau soon! Great knowing you can push through it AND still retain bodily functions :D
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    this cracks me up. Who doesn't love a good poo? hehe
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Well done!! this is true of my first weeks also : )
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    Okay I'm new to the group and I'm reading through everyone's posts.
    THANK YOU so much for writing this!
    I am experiencing this right now. I've been eating about 1400 - 1500 Cal and been burning over 3000 a week.
    It's gotten so bad I bought prunes.

    I'm gonna be upping my cals and changing my routine,immediately.
