And I'm off!

So I've been poking around this group for a while now, and I've been slowly edging towards eating more to fuel my body with the work I'm putting it through, but I think this week is the week that's finally going to push me over the edge towards trying to eat ~2600 cal/day. I just started a new phase in my strength training, and while its still mostly bodyweight resistance at this point (being not quite six months post-op for a SLAP repair and capsular shift in my dominant shoulder), it is kicking my *kitten*. Doing that three days a week and having my shoulder rehab work and some low intensity cardio (though I question my Wii claiming there's such a thing as low intensity Zumba) two or three days a week, I'm burning 400+ just in workouts, and I have HAD to up my calories. The logistics of getting the calories in is proving difficult, but I'm working on it, and I will figure it out. I have to, or I'm gonna end up falling asleep at work (which is never recommended when your job involves taking care of a 2.5 yr old). Hopefully this will result in more energy and alertness, and more pounds and inches lost.

I'm scared to be trying to eat this much, but I don't want to lose all my muscles with the fat (especially since I'm starting off with ~140 pounds of muscle mass, up about 5 from when I started MFP in Jan).

Major thanks to Kiki and ANewLucia for all their wonderful support and information here. I have a feeling I'll be leaning on it alot as I wait to see how the scale responds to the increased cals over the next few weeks. I've kept up a steady but slightly slower pace of loss as I increased from 1800-2000 to 2200-2300, so I'm *hoping* that the trend continues since I wasn't eating in a ginormous deficit, but we shall see.


  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Welcome welcome! :flowerforyou: I just started on Friday and had a somewhat-large calorie leap, so I gained some weight initially, but the scale has started moving back down now. It's hard to get the food in, but I've been told that eventually the appetite will happen...if I can stick with it long enough and my stomach doesn't explode in the meantime. :laugh: Good luck!
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    I should add that I'd love to have some friends from this group on my list. I'm beginning to be dismayed to realize that with a few exceptions, the majority of my friends seem to subscribe to the 1200ish calories a day theory even when they are doing massive cardio workouts every day, and I feel like such the odd man out when I look at their diaries versus mine, haha.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Hiya! :D

    I was finally brought over to eating more after talking to Ed- a real big inspiration for me. I couldn't get over the 2000 cal hump. I'm fat so I should not eat- because I'm fat and that's how people get fat. So no more food for me thanks! Pffft- I'm so thick sometimes. So Ed set me straight and let me know that I have to eat more BECAUSE I'm fat- When I workout I'm not bodyweight lifting 130lbs here- I'm pushing 270lbs into the air and on my joints. This takes fuel- real fuel.

    Ended up meeting Lucia from a thread I made and she inspired me too- she was coming at it from the other side. Being thin but not happy with the results- turns out she needed to eat too.

    Feel free to add me- you gotta come hang out with my buddies. We'll poke you mercilessly if you don't eat- all in the nicest way of course :D