induction week 2

Llaybhs84 Posts: 10 Member
I recently started the atkins induction I have lost 13 pounds so far very happy about this. I just wanted to get some guidance from anyone who has been following the low carb lifestyle. My diary is open if you wouldn't mind giving it a look to see if I am doing this correctly. Also I need friends if anyone is interested to help me stay motivated. thanks for any assistance.


  • jparker12379
    jparker12379 Posts: 99 Member
    I am on week 2 as well we can keep each other motivated.

    13 lbs - thats impressive :-) I think I am down about 5 now
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Hi, just finishing week 2 today, yay! Gonna treat myself to a low carb beer tonight I think! I have lost 2 kg but am not overweight (64kg)so my loss will be slower... but well done to both of you! The only suggestion I have is maybe more vegies, as hard as it is to fit in 12-15 carbs of veg, they will help move those fats, if you know what I mean. Also they have all your vitamins and fibre. I have been aiming for 10-20 g fibre. You can take a supplement but I think vegie fiber is always best for you. Feel free to add me!