Plateau for 8 weeks

DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
Hi everyone,

Well I have been stalled for about 8 weeks ago. About a month ago I upped my calories to around 1800-2200. I wear a bodymedia fit armband and my average daily burn is 2370. If I workout I can burn about 400-500 more, and typically on weekends I burn more. I have had a deficit every week (supposedly losing 1lb a week), but it's not happening. If it was I would of loss my 10 lbs by now. My exercise for the week is 2x/week 30 minute strength/weight training (burning about 180-200 per session) and cardio 3-4x/week using run/walking (burning about 300 calories per session). I know my diary is not the best and for the last week it has been worse. I try to stay around the 40-30-30 for C-F-P. Just so damn frustrated....

So I've upped my calories and nothing. Not loss, no gain. I have lost inches and was just measured by my trainer but haven't gotten my BF% back. I am hoping it is down as well. When she first did my measurement my BF% was 24% (using calipers). I used fat2fitradio to calculate my TDEE and I have used several other formulas and all are around 2300/day.

So I guess my question is when will I see a drop in my weight? I would like to lose another 10 lbs or so and get to at least 18% BF%.

My stats:
5'5" feet
173 lbs
24% BF (when measured about 6 weeks ago)

My diary is open to friends.


  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    So your average TDEE is 2370 or 2370 plus your exercise?

    Might be time to dial it in for your personal needs. You're SO CLOSE to your goal- you can probably see it from where you are. This gets into some higher level stuff that I'd prefer to let Kiki or Lucia field because they have much more knowledge in this advanced area.

    Wanted to let you know I read your post but don't feel qualified to answer in a factual manner. I can guess but it won't mean much.
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks.....2370 is my average TDEE for non-exercise days. On days I work out it's usually about 400-500 more. I know I am close and I know this is why it's getting so hard. I also know that I am losing inches and I know it's time to throw the scale out. In my head I have my weekly goal set to 1 lbs a week, probably should be more like 1/2 lb a week. But the scale is not moving. If it does move it is so little one way or the other....
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I am in a similar boat, I upped my calories a month ago and am just being patient. At least you are seeing inches drop! I have to think that means your BF% is going down too. There are tons of discussions on here about being patient while your body drops fat and builds muscle.

    Like gemiwing I don't feel qualified to give you an answer just repeating what I have read on theses fantastic posts.

    I do know eating and loosing inches is better than starving and staying at a plateau...
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    I am losing inches and I know it's time to throw the scale out. In my head I have my weekly goal set to 1 lbs a week, probably should be more like 1/2 lb a week.


    Just keep working it - it's working for you - don't get discouraged. Throw that damn scale out and feel good about the changes in your body. Way to go!!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Id say throw the scale out. I obsess over the scale. If I threw my scale out, I would probably weight myself in the dumpster before the garbage truck came.

    However, you are the only one that sees the scale, everyone else sees the inches.. This is something I have to learn. I measure myself for the first time on Sunday and will doing so every sunday. My weight has been all over the place this first week, but I need to be patient :)
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks every one. Patience is definitely the key here. I know what to do its just doing it.
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    If I threw my scale out, I would probably weight myself in the dumpster before the garbage truck came.

    LOL yes!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    If you are losing inches in essence you are losing fat weight and probably gaining muscle weight. Since scale hasn't moved in 8, I would go up a 100 cals, you may not be eating enough . Add 1tbs of coconut oil to your day that is 120 cals and an MCT oil that has many benefits and also promotes wgt loss.
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks I will give that a try. I know lunch this week has not been good, so next week, I am going to do better with my lunch choices. I know this weekend, especially tonight will probably not be good either, going to a baseball game with all you can eat. I am going to try to stay within my calories, but may go over.....Friday's are usually my spike days where I have a tendency to go over.

    If I don't see any changes in the next month, I may take a logging food break for a week. Last time I hit a plateau I went on vacation and didn't log anything for the week, when I came back I had gained 2 lbs, but loss it quickly and started losing again....
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    If you are losing inches in essence you are losing fat weight and probably gaining muscle weight. Since scale hasn't moved in 8, I would go up a 100 cals, you may not be eating enough . Add 1tbs of coconut oil to your day that is 120 cals and an MCT oil that has many benefits and also promotes wgt loss.

    What is MCT oil?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If you are losing inches in essence you are losing fat weight and probably gaining muscle weight. Since scale hasn't moved in 8, I would go up a 100 cals, you may not be eating enough . Add 1tbs of coconut oil to your day that is 120 cals and an MCT oil that has many benefits and also promotes wgt loss.

    What is MCT oil?

    Medium Chain Triglyceride
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    Just an update from what I found out last night (wrote this on my status update):

    Here is my NSV for the day/month. Got my BF% back and down 3.4% from about 5 weeks ago. I haven't lost any weight on the scale because I have gained 5.88 lbs of muscle. My BMR went up by 52 calories. My BMR is now 1719. Now I've got to figure how to up my calorie intake without eating junk. These calculations are using fat2fit radio formula. My TDEE did not change that much. Trainer uses calipers. She takes my numbers and plugs them into some kind of software she uses. All measurements were down. She said I have alot of loose skin that will tighten up and she plans on increasing my weights so I will put more muscle on to fill in the loose skin. I think most my fat is in my belly.

    So the scale LIES!!!!!!!!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Just an update from what I found out last night (wrote this on my status update):

    Here is my NSV for the day/month. Got my BF% back and down 3.4% from about 5 weeks ago. I haven't lost any weight on the scale because I have gained 5.88 lbs of muscle. My BMR went up by 52 calories. My BMR is now 1719. Now I've got to figure how to up my calorie intake without eating junk. These calculations are using fat2fit radio formula. My TDEE did not change that much. Trainer uses calipers. She takes my numbers and plugs them into some kind of software she uses. All measurements were down. She said I have alot of loose skin that will tighten up and she plans on increasing my weights so I will put more muscle on to fill in the loose skin. I think most my fat is in my belly.

    So the scale LIES!!!!!!!!

    THAT'S what I'm talking about!!!!! :bigsmile:

    The scale is a liar, y'all!!!
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    If you are losing inches in essence you are losing fat weight and probably gaining muscle weight. Since scale hasn't moved in 8, I would go up a 100 cals, you may not be eating enough . Add 1tbs of coconut oil to your day that is 120 cals and an MCT oil that has many benefits and also promotes wgt loss.

    What is MCT oil?

    Medium Chain Triglyceride

    Is this like CLA? What does it do, and how is it taken?
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Just an update from what I found out last night (wrote this on my status update):

    Here is my NSV for the day/month. Got my BF% back and down 3.4% from about 5 weeks ago. I haven't lost any weight on the scale because I have gained 5.88 lbs of muscle. My BMR went up by 52 calories. My BMR is now 1719. Now I've got to figure how to up my calorie intake without eating junk. These calculations are using fat2fit radio formula. My TDEE did not change that much. Trainer uses calipers. She takes my numbers and plugs them into some kind of software she uses. All measurements were down. She said I have alot of loose skin that will tighten up and she plans on increasing my weights so I will put more muscle on to fill in the loose skin. I think most my fat is in my belly.

    So the scale LIES!!!!!!!!

    Great work!! That's very motivating!
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Just an update from what I found out last night (wrote this on my status update):

    Here is my NSV for the day/month. Got my BF% back and down 3.4% from about 5 weeks ago. I haven't lost any weight on the scale because I have gained 5.88 lbs of muscle. My BMR went up by 52 calories. My BMR is now 1719. Now I've got to figure how to up my calorie intake without eating junk. These calculations are using fat2fit radio formula. My TDEE did not change that much. Trainer uses calipers. She takes my numbers and plugs them into some kind of software she uses. All measurements were down. She said I have alot of loose skin that will tighten up and she plans on increasing my weights so I will put more muscle on to fill in the loose skin. I think most my fat is in my belly.

    So the scale LIES!!!!!!!!

    That is awesome and I am in the same boat. LOL all my fat decided to congregate around my middle, waist, love handles, and back. But it is so exciting seeing that area shrink.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Just an update from what I found out last night (wrote this on my status update):

    Here is my NSV for the day/month. Got my BF% back and down 3.4% from about 5 weeks ago. I haven't lost any weight on the scale because I have gained 5.88 lbs of muscle. My BMR went up by 52 calories. My BMR is now 1719. Now I've got to figure how to up my calorie intake without eating junk. These calculations are using fat2fit radio formula. My TDEE did not change that much. Trainer uses calipers. She takes my numbers and plugs them into some kind of software she uses. All measurements were down. She said I have alot of loose skin that will tighten up and she plans on increasing my weights so I will put more muscle on to fill in the loose skin. I think most my fat is in my belly.

    So the scale LIES!!!!!!!!

    this is awesome!!!! So wonderful to hear!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Just an update from what I found out last night (wrote this on my status update):

    Here is my NSV for the day/month. Got my BF% back and down 3.4% from about 5 weeks ago. I haven't lost any weight on the scale because I have gained 5.88 lbs of muscle. My BMR went up by 52 calories. My BMR is now 1719. Now I've got to figure how to up my calorie intake without eating junk. These calculations are using fat2fit radio formula. My TDEE did not change that much. Trainer uses calipers. She takes my numbers and plugs them into some kind of software she uses. All measurements were down. She said I have alot of loose skin that will tighten up and she plans on increasing my weights so I will put more muscle on to fill in the loose skin. I think most my fat is in my belly.

    So the scale LIES!!!!!!!!