Waist measurement INCREASE?

sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

I'm in my last week of stage 1. Although I am pleased with my strength gains and the definition I am seeing in my arms and upper back, my waist measurement has increased. by 3/4 of an inch! I am NOT happy. what gives?

I started at 27.5, and I'm about 28.25 now. This is really frustrating. My weight is up just a bit; less than a pound, but the waist measurement is exactly the opposite of what I had hoped. Anyone else?

I do non-dairy protein shakes and bars, because whey protein kills me, however I have added in cheeses and some yogurt that, while they are not causing pain, I am often finding myself bloated. (When I took the measurement, I didn't feel bloated though; stomach still flat).

I'm eating at maintenance, or a smidge less some days. I have had to drastically cut back on cardio bc I'm so tired from lifting, usually I'm doing 3 days lifting and I teach 2 spin classes a week, plus 1 day paddleboarding.

According to the book I should eat between 1700 - 2000 calories. According to fit2fatradio, I should eat 2017-2244. Usually I had been eating around 2000 calories, but last week I got to the point I was so tired I had to take 4 days off from everything to recover, so I cut my calories to 1650 - 1850 for those days.

Anyway, I was hoping my waist would decrease. I have read on men's bodybuilding sites that deadlifts can increase the waist size, but certainly that is not mentioned in the book, and it seems to me that everyone here has shrinking waists.

My pants are all quite tight and I'm hoping this is temporary. Has anyone else experience an increase in waist size?



  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Wasn't there something in the book about muscles retaining water when one trains intensively? Could this be it?
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Yes, muscles do retain water, but this is more than that I think. I even measured on the 4th consecutive day off that I took last week.

    AND, did I just say I had only gained less than a pound? Ya, well I weighed this morning, and let's make that 3 lbs. grrrrrrrrr.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    My waist has increased too :( Same with the pounds. Pretty sure the pounds is water weight. Not sure about the waist though >:(
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    maybe you're eating too much..
    those online calculators are just based on formula taken from a average of a relatively small group of people. you may find that your numbers are a less or more than what's given. when that happens you just have to make some adjustments to your calories until you find the right one

    and water weight isnt a constant thing. when you first start weight lifting it's more but as your body gets used to lifting, you retain less and it goes away quicker

    is the waist the first place you notice weight gain?