Low carbs high calories

Llaybhs84 Posts: 10 Member
I have been following the under 20 net carbs diet for almost 2 weeks now. I was very surprised to see that I lost another pound this morning when I looked at my calorie intake. I have went over on my alloted calories. Will this hurt my progress by going over on the calories?


  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    For Atkins women should aim for 1500-1800 per day. That is total calories, not net. On MFP you get to eat back your exercise calories so your calorie goal is total - exercise. On Atkins the book warns that one reason for a stall is eating too many calories, so they now give a range to shoot for.
    In the first three weeks I lost 8 pounds then stalled for four weeks. Today in my weigh in (I weigh once a week) I lost three pounds. I did up my calories and carbs a bit to net closer to 1200-1350 which means my total is over 1500.
  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 294 Member
    Ultimately whatever diet/lifestyle you choose, you won't lose weight until your body starts burning the reserves - eat less than you burn and weight comes off. The closer to your BMR that you eat (exercise or no) the slower the pounds come off. At the start, a lot of your loss is water-related (especially low-carb), so don't be fooled by early success even when going over on calories. Atkins says to begin, don't worry about the calories, focus on learning what is good and out of limits, and tthen once you actually get into ketosis, you should pay attention to the calories. 1500-1800 is a guideline (obviously) depending on how much you weigh, how active you are, etc. A very sedentary 140 lb woman trying to get to 135 - 1500 may be too many. Likewise, a very obese person who is very active, 1800 may be too few - too quick of a loss can have long term effects.

    Good rule of thumb - use the calorie suggestions on MFP based on how much you weigh and your activity as your guideline - you will still lose if you go a few calories over but it will be slower, and even if you stick to it exactly, you may still have flukes of loss/gain based on all manner of other outside influences (hormones, water, activity, season, sleep, stress, exercise, etc.)

    Good luck!
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Looking at your diary your calories are all over the place--sometimes over sometimes way way under. If you have not read the Atkins book New Atkins for a New You see if you can get a copy--if not try going to Atkins.com to see a full explanation of the different phases. I see you are a cook, trying some low carb recipes, so try planning out the whole day in advance to at least get close to your goal everyday.
  • Llaybhs84
    Llaybhs84 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the responses. I have tried the atkins before but I limited myself quite a bit with just meat and cheese this time however I have been trying alot of recipes and its amazing how well this is working for me. I am at the point where I am not really all that hungry after I start eating just a few bites. I lost two more pounds! Definitley loving it however I am going to start taking some type of multi vitamin have noticed my lips are getting extremely dry and have constant cotton mouth (guess thats to be expected). Why does this diet get so much negative feedback? I seem to be getting alot of protein which is good. Going to join our local gym this weekend. I have till June 16th for my sons wedding and feel so much better about having my picture taking already. :smile:
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Dry lips and cotton mouth are not to be expected. You should be drinking a TON of water, as you are burning fat a low carb diet does act as a diuretic as the body flushes out toxins. You definately need to drink a lot of water through out the day. Not to be gross but your pee should be very pale. Thanks you --I looked up the site you are using for recilpes and its great, I'm going to use some.