Phase 1 Induction



  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'm just starting Atkins induction today (after *gaining* every single time I have tried to "diet" in the past 5 years...... yeah, THAT feels good lol) but I do have some experience with Atkins. Years ago I did Atkins successfully and lost at least 40 pounds, probably more (it was so easy at that point that I stopped even weighing myself at one point!) and I don't remember how fast the weight came off, but it was certainly fast enough that I was motivated to not only keep it up but also not care anymore (which is REALLY rare for me)

    Of course, I tried Atkins 5 years ago (approx) and I gained weight. I think I was relying too heavily on bars etc though which, in retrospect, may have been the problem. I know some people use them easy sailing, but this time I will give it a fair shot without them first, and maybe only use them in emergencies. =) My doctor tells me my hormones are out of whack (used to have PCOS also), thyroid is sluggish, and apparently am insulin resistant she thinks, so this low-carb way of life makes sense for more than just weight loss. I of course, would just rather look good in shorts than be able to say I wasn't insulin resistant, but if it makes my doctor and myself happy, so be it =D

    Best of luck!
    I also have PCOS, and this is the only way I will ever lose weight! I used to workout and eat right constantly and still gained weight because of it was a ridiculous time of my life...I thought I was crazy. Then I finally got diagnosed. Good luck to yoU!
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Hello fellow atkin divas, I have been on induction for 1 week and half now.I can see a little change but not I m going to stick to induction for some more time. I eat a little fruit which must hike the carbs to 40 :(. Also could someone advise me on flax seeds.. Can I have it on induction?

    SW- 187 lbs
    Goal-lose- 35-40 lbs

    NO FRUIT ON INDUCTION!!! You need to get the fat burning, cut out all sugars even good ones. I stalled and have been back in induction for a week and finally there is movement on the scales. Too many berries and atkins bars/shakes. Stick to sugarfree jello and cream for the time being as a sweet fix. You will be suprised!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Low carb breakfast - full fat Greek plain yoghurt with tablespoon of chia seeds or milled flax / linseed, 10 almonds and/or raspberries
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Low Carb Controversy

    I have been taking a lot of criticism lately about my low carb diet choice. It works for me so think what they may! I met a woman who told me I was not doing Atkins correctly and suggested I read one of Dr. Atkins earlier writings. I recently purchased a old Atkins book (Diet Revolution 1980 publish date) and began comparing the information to the New Atkins diet book. Wow, each book has a ton of information, but they contradict each other on major points of the diet. I am now really confused. I think I am more of an "old school" Atkins dieter, but I would love to hear other's thoughts on the subject.......

  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    I also have both books and the one in the middle..... I think the new one is way too hard, with all the 'net grams'. I was eating way too many carbs that way. because vegies have so much fibre, I ended up eating HEAPS! (soemtimes half a cauliflower a day + more) So i dont think I ever got to fat burning eating that way. And when I introduced nuts, omg, I couldn't stop and my calories went through the roof. I have restarted (last week) with the middle version which is ample amounts of eggs, meat, fats - some cheese 4 oz a day - 3 tblspoons of cream - 2 x 1 cup lettuce salads with olive oil dressings and 1 cup low carb vegies measured raw because they shrink when cooked and thats cheating. Its working again and I think its cause I cant cheat. I was eating like, a bag of lettuce a day, with tomatoes, cucumber, the whole bit and because you subtract fibre (and your supposed to eat 12-15g per day salad/vegies), i would eat more and more, and not enough fat so I think it messed with my blood sugar levels. You can only eat so much salad dressing!! Now I have just the 1 cup serving drenched in dressing and that is more satisfying than forcing lettuce leaf after lettuce leaf, lol, and I feel fine. I lost 3 pounds last week and i only weighed 145 and had lost the water weight weeks ago so I'm happy. Honestly, I think the new one is a bit of a scam to gt you buying and eating 2 x atkins products a day. The one before that written by Dr.Atkins in 2000, is the best I think. He had worked out what works by then. Hope the weight keeps falling off anyway!
  • bellaphile
    bellaphile Posts: 20 Member
    Hi guys! So glad to see people here doing Atkins! Im on day 2 of Induction. Not going to weigh myself until next Wednesday so I dont become a slave to the scale.

    I did Atkins ~10 years ago and lost 65lbs over the course of a year (the last 20lb took the longest) so Im hoping that, despite my metabolism decreasing, it will work again if I can stick to it.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to tweak MFP tracker to make it more Atkins-friendly?
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    im doing extended atkins induction and after the 1st week my weight just would not budge...( lost 7 first week, then nothing).it was weird! I just started week 5 on monday, and suddenly woosh! 3 lbs off! stick with it and no bars/ shakes/ cheats! it worksz!
  • tami6543
    tami6543 Posts: 21 Member
    what a good idea those fiber chews sound like. I'm going to try those.
  • curly1980
    curly1980 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi all, I am starting induction today and quite excited. I did Atkins before i had my 2 boys. about 8 yrs ago and lost a ton of weight, so after years of trying to lose baby weight by WW, slimming pills. calorie counting, fat counting and maple syrup diet i am hoping to repeat the success again. Luckily my weight stays pretty constant when not on a diet as I am quite active but I just wanna shed it all now! I have 42lbs to goes!
  • tami6543
    tami6543 Posts: 21 Member
    good luck to you. Tomorrow will be one week for me on induction with a 4 lb loss so far.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Hi, I started Atkins around Feb 2011 and w/in about 6-8 mos I lost around 60 lbs then I kinda stalled and statyed there for a few months then I switched to the paleo diet (still low carbs but you can eat all of the fruit you want too) I lost another 10 lbs in about 60 days so I decided to switch back to Atkins. I have had a really bad day today and I have went over my calories bc I binged on some cookie dough and chips...ugh. I have not done that im sooo long! But I logged it and I will have to make up for it starting tomorrow. I know Atkins works and the only thing I am dong diffrent htis time is logging my food. So, that shld only of luck to every one!

    I have seen some MFP members w/low daily carb do you get that to change?
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    Hi, I started Atkins around Feb 2011 and w/in about 6-8 mos I lost around 60 lbs then I kinda stalled and statyed there for a few months then I switched to the paleo diet (still low carbs but you can eat all of the fruit you want too) I lost another 10 lbs in about 60 days so I decided to switch back to Atkins. I have had a really bad day today and I have went over my calories bc I binged on some cookie dough and chips...ugh. I have not done that im sooo long! But I logged it and I will have to make up for it starting tomorrow. I know Atkins works and the only thing I am dong diffrent htis time is logging my food. So, that shld only of luck to every one!

    I have seen some MFP members w/low daily carb do you get that to change?

    Go to settings
  • foochick
    foochick Posts: 105 Member
    Unfortunately, plenty of veggies usually knocks you above the 20 carbs per day. Also, you are not supposed to cut fat in induction. You need something to go on. If I go low fat...I feel HORRIBLE.
  • whenpigsfly2
    Help! I'm so confused! I've read here that I should stay away from bars and shakes during induction. Is that true? What's the basis? I've been using those as my snacks (1 bar and 1 shake per day) and lost about 6 pounds week 1.

    Opinions and Advice welcome!
  • lleabrooks
    lleabrooks Posts: 87 Member
    Help! I'm so confused! I've read here that I should stay away from bars and shakes during induction. Is that true? What's the basis? I've been using those as my snacks (1 bar and 1 shake per day) and lost about 6 pounds week 1.

    Opinions and Advice welcome!

    If the bars and shakes are working for you- then by all means, keep using them. Some people find that their weightloss isn't as great if they use them, but this has not been a problem for me. just keep doing what works for you. 6lbs in the first week is pretty impressive.

    Below are the guidelines for doing Atkins Induction right. From the Atkins website.

    The Program: Phase 1

    How to Do Induction Right. Many people see remarkably fast weight loss on Induction. Others find it slow going. Whatever your pace, you’ll need to follow the rules precisely to achieve success. This applies equally to those of you who are working on improving blood sugar and insulin levels or lipids. Otherwise, you could become frustrated before you’ve had a chance to see what the Atkins weight loss program can really do for you. Abide by the following guidelines and you’ll soon be well on the way to successful results:

    1.Eat either three regular-size meals a day or four or five smaller meals. Don’t skip meals or go more than six waking hours without eating.

    2.At each meal—including breakfast—eat at least 4 to 6 ounces of protein foods, including poultry, beef, lamb, pork, veal, fish and shellfish, eggs, cheese and a variety of vegetable proteins. Up to 8 ounces is fine if you’re a tall guy. There’s no need to trim the fat from meat or the skin from poultry, but do so if you prefer. Just add a splash of olive oil or a pat of butter to your vegetables to replace the fat.

    3.Enjoy butter, olive oil, high-oleic safflower oil, canola oil, and seed and nut oils and mayonnaise (made from olive, canola, or high-oleic safflower oils). Aim for 1 tablespoon of oil on a salad or other vegetables, or a pat of butter. Cook foods in just enough oil to ensure that they don’t burn. Or spritz the pan with a mist of olive oil.

    4.Eat no more than 20 grams a day of Net Carbs, 12 to 15 grams of them as foundation vegetables. This means you can eat approximately six loosely packed cups of salad and two cups of cooked vegetables per day. Remember, carb counts of various vegetables vary, so be sure to check them.

    5.Eat only the foods on the Acceptable Foods List for Phase 1.

    6.In a typical day, you can have up to 4 ounces of most cheese (but not cottage cheese or ricotta), 10 black or 20 green olives, half a Haas avocado (the kind with a blackish pebbly skin), an ounce of sour cream or 2–3 tablespoons of cream, and up to 3 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice. The carbs in these foods must be counted in your 20 grams of Net Carbs.

    7.Acceptable sweeteners include sucralose (Splenda), saccharine (Sweet’N Low), stevia (SweetLeaf or Truvia) or xylitol. Have no more than three packets a day, and count each one as 1 gram of carbs. This is because, while these sweeteners contain no carbs, they are packaged with fillers that do contain a little carbohydrate to keep them from clumping.

    8.To satisfy your sweet tooth, you can have sugar-free gelatin desserts and up to two Atkins shakes or bars coded for Induction (Phase 1). :heart:

    9.Each day, drink at least eight 8-ounce portions of approved beverages: water, club soda, herb teas, or moderation—caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee and tea. This will prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. In this count, you may include two cups of broth (not low sodium), one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

    10.Take a daily iron-free multivitamin/multimineral combo and an omega-3 fatty-acid supplement.

    11.Learn to distinguish hunger from habit and adjust the quantity you eat to suit your appetite as it decreases. When you’re hungry, eat until you feel satisfied but not stuffed. If you’re not sure that you’re full, wait ten minutes, have a glass of water, and eat more only if you’re still unsatisfied. If you’re not hungry at mealtime, eat a small low-carb snack.

    12.Don’t starve yourself, and don’t skimp on fats.

    13.Don’t assume that any food is low in carbs. Read the labels on packaged whole foods to discover unacceptable ingredients; and check their carb counts (subtract grams of fiber from total grams). Also use a carbohydrate gram counter.

    14.When dining out, be on guard for hidden carbs. Gravy is usually made with flour or cornstarch, both no-nos. Sugar is often found in salad dressing and may even appear in coleslaw and other deli salads. Avoid any deep-fried or breaded food.

    Link -->

    Hope this helps!!
  • MarissaCB39
    MarissaCB39 Posts: 115 Member
    I started induction one week ago. I have not gone past 25 g carbs per day, my SW was 175, I'm currently at 171. That's 4 pounds in 1 week! I'm very satisfied with the results. I've limited my exercise last week and this week will start my 30-40 minute, 4 days this week excercise routine.
  • whenpigsfly2
    Thanks so much for the reply lleabrooks! I stay below my carb count and try to stay below 1200 calories and am exercising 5 days a week. Hopefully these good results will keep on coming! Good luck to you!
  • whenpigsfly2
    Thanks so much for the reply lleabrooks! I stay below my carb count and try to stay below 1200 calories and am exercising 5 days a week. Hopefully these good results will keep on coming! Good luck to you!

    One more question for the group. I'm trying to stay around 1200 calories per day and 20 grams of carbs. How much do calories really count on Atkins. I mean I know the book says you don't need to calorie count but also don't think that means you can eat half a pund of bacon at each meal. Anyone?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    in the beginning, no i don't think the calorie count matters much. anything you lose will just be water weight anyway.

    after you're into ketosis (3 weeks+) your appetite will lessen a great deal, and you will notice that your calories will go down too.

    most days i can barely break 1200, and usually around 800-1k. eating nuts will help if you're too low though.
  • flaca130
    flaca130 Posts: 1 Member
    I did this diet for a month and lost19 lbs. fell off the wagon big time this las couple of months, with summer vacation. I want to start again so I would like to join this group for support.

    How do I modify the setting here so I ban make keep track of net carb or take the measurements like 60% fat, 35% protein & 5% carbs. Pls help, thanks