
chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
Hi Everyone - looking forward to starting this with you on the 1st May!

For anyone who would like to - I have now set up an online spreadsheet so you can track weight and cm or inches lost! Anyone can access it in the group and you can edit your own information. I would ask though that before you enter your info you click 'save' to make sure you're not overwriting someone else putting in their details!

The link to the online spreadsheet is



  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks! I just put my name. I will take my measurements when I get home :-) or do we have to wait until May 1st to enter our info
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 434 Member
    I did my measurements in inches, hope that's ok
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Must I sign up for an account on that site to use the spreadsheet? I don't see a save. xoxo
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    yeah inches or cm either one is fine as long as you stick to it and at the end it'll show you inch loss :-D
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    I also went ahead in put mine in inches. Excited to start!
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    you don't need to be signed up = apparently it saves automatically! (modern technology eh!) but I think if you go to the file page you can just hit the save button in there anyway :-D
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    I converted mine into cm and posted!
  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    neat, adding my name and stats will be posted on the 1st!! :)
  • asafcat
    asafcat Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks so much for putting this together! Just added some of my measurements then realized that i put them in inches instead of cm. I will change them tomorrow as well as add the rest of the measurements!! So excited and motivated for this!! This was a great idea, thanks again!
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    Hey if people want to do it in inches that's fine, it doesn't affect the formulas at all just whatever suits you best (at the time I could only find a tape measure with cm on it hahaha)
  • Thank you for preparing this sheet. I added my name and measurements too. :)
  • lottier0311
    lottier0311 Posts: 125
    I really hope I can stick to it this time! ive got 12 weeks until my holidays and i would love to be 147 by then, which is 12 lb, doable isnt it? Is it ok if I add some of you as friends?
  • SgtMindy
    SgtMindy Posts: 53
    You can add me as a friend!! I'm really looking forward to starting this!!!
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    I've added my name, I'm going to go buy a sewing kit tonight so i have something to measure with lol
  • bseiscio
    bseiscio Posts: 8
    just added my info
  • onyx1972
    onyx1972 Posts: 133 Member
    I added my name and measurements..I think.. LOL.. I am looking forward to this...
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    Added my name and measurements....Day 1 is Done!
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi Everyone -

    I entered my starting weight to the spreadsheet and will take measurements tomorrow.

    I've done 30 DS before but never all the way through so I'm really pumped to be apart of this group! My legs are a little wobbly from this first day.
  • Gladiolus
    Gladiolus Posts: 20
    I'm making a before and after video...
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    I finally found a thing to measure with! and now i'm not going to be home till monday :(