I think I have my dogs eating this way...

I have been reading and reading so many of the posts on this group. I am really excited to start thinking this way. As I was thinking about the philosophy of eating more to weigh less, I realized that I feed my pups this way. We are dog lovers and have had many dogs through the years. We currently have three larger dogs ages 1 through14. We always keep the food bowl full and they eat when they feel like it. We never ration their food or feed only at certain times. Other dog owners sometimes don't believe that we feed them this way because all of our dogs are always trim. The oldest dog has put on a little weight in the past year, but her activity has significantly decreased. They often don't clear their bowl and eat enough to be satisfied.
This just made me wonder if some pets are obese because their metabolism gets screwed up from timed, limited feelings?
Sorry for the crazy post for those of you that are not pet lovers, I just found that it made so much sense with what I was reading!


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Makes perfect sense to me, as a proud mommy of three fur babies.

    Whenever we had them lose a bit of weight- we just bought more toys (kitties) and played with them a bit more or reduced their food by a small amount.

    I would never make my cat play for two hours a day, six days a week and restrict her food to 1/2 of what I had been feeding her. That'd be animal abuse.

    It still amazes me at the horrible things I'll do to myself that I'd never to do another person or animal.