Nrolfw rmr question

Hi everyone. I'm reading my way through this book and I just calculated rmr. It puts me at 1531 non workout days and 1786 workout days to maintain my current weight. I still need to lose about 20 pounds. I'm confused about how many calories to cut off. I just upped 10 days ago to 1500 Plus eating back my excercise cals and now I feel like that's why I haven't lost any more weight when I was losing steadily. Do you think that's the case? Am I not creating a deficit? Thanks


  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    I am also reading the book right now and trying to understand. I plan on starting stage 1 this monday. When are you starting. My maintenance shows 1972 and 1726. Since I still need to lose 5-10 plds I am going to try cutting 300 cal off each of these totals. Not sure if this is right or not.!? Please friend me if you want a support buddy. Maybe we can figure this out together!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    The info I have read in this group is the following: Find you TDEE, -15%, that number is what you eat everyday. Now that may be using a different calculator than the one in your book. I find it is easier to just set MFP to that number, don't eat back your calories cause that is already factored in, and eat the same calories everyday. I'm just two weeks in, but the members on here that are doing this are having wonderful results.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks ladies. Yeah, my tdee is pretty low given my stats, so I'm still unsure if that's what I need to use. Does anyone have anymore input on the rmr calculation in nrolfw?
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    NROLFW doesn't advocate "cutting" from the intake you calculate by their formula because cutting calories and trying to build muscle don't generally go together. You have to give your body enough fuel to build and strengthen muscles instead of merely protecting what you've already got.

    Also, if you just recently upped your calories, you need to give it a while so your body can get used to it. I believe Kiki advocates 4-6 weeks before deciding if upping your calories is or is not working.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    NROLFW doesn't advocate "cutting" from the intake you calculate by their formula because cutting calories and trying to build muscle don't generally go together. You have to give your body enough fuel to build and strengthen muscles instead of merely protecting what you've already got.

    Also, if you just recently upped your calories, you need to give it a while so your body can get used to it. I believe Kiki advocates 4-6 weeks before deciding if upping your calories is or is not working.

    But the formulas given are for maintaining my current weight and that's not what I'm trying to do.
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    At most, the author of new rules says cutting 200-300 cals a day from the maintenance amount would work, but you quite likely will lose fat even eating at "maintenance" while doing the workouts in new rules because you're challenging and building your muscles. You'll probably lose inches, and potentially pounds as well, because as you build more muscle, it increase your metabolism. At least that's my understanding of how it all works, and its been what's working for me as well. I'm eating over what MFP says I should eat to lose 1 pound a week, and I'm losing 1.5-2 pounds while doing a lot of strength training. Give it a shot and see what happens? Worst that happens is that after 4-6 weeks its obviously not working for your body and your metabolism and you have to reevaluate.