
Just out of curiosity, and y'all don't need to feel like you need to answer! But how many of y'all suffer from depression as well? I just recently got put on depression medicine after seeing a doctor for binge eating. Apparently there is a very strong correlation between the two. I've only been on the medicine for a little over a month, but I'm hoping it will help me eventually stop binge eating for good.


  • arielaliza
    arielaliza Posts: 20 Member
    hi! I was just about to post when I saw yours... Although my post is about feeling depressed right now (pms? a recent relocation?) I am usually a very happy person aside from my issues with food. My binge eating was turning into bulimia that was getting way out of control... B.C of my ED, I have been on Buspar and Prozac- both low doses- for a little over a month as well... Although my binges have not ceased, they have gotten smaller.... I feel better- with the exception of the past few days... I'm almost positive the meds alone aren't going to do the trick but I think they can help... I feel a difference... I am also reading a few books every day... Do you do anything else? Have you felt any difference?
  • I've only been on it for a little over a month and I can tell a little difference! My binges are more sporadic. I've had two binges the past 3 weeks (wow, didn't realize how big of an accomplishment that was until I typed it out!). They are definitely slowing down, but I don't know if that's because of the medicine or if I'm just gaining control? Lol. I know for a fact the depression and binge eating is related. I'm normally a happy, upbeat person too! Just after gaining weight from binge eating, I feel very self conscious and anti social because I feel "ugly" from the weight gain. I have avoided social situations for fear of food. The weight gain has caused me to become depressed, so I'm hoping that after I conquer binge eating I can go back to being my care free, happy, outgoing self!
  • I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and OCD. My therapist said the meds would help with my obsessive thoughts, thus eventually I would stop binging (of course, with continued therapy and support).

    I haven't begun taking the meds, but since it's helping you guys, I think I'll finally go get my prescription.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Yup! I suffer from depression too, and yes from what I've read and heard, there is a strong link between binge eating and depression. It's a seratonin thing. Depressed people don't make enough and carbs and crap food instantly create that seratonin, thus making us feel better (but always feel worse afterward). Like a drug addict, tolerance is created and it takes more and more food to get the "fix"...but that's another topic I think....

    I have been on meds for quite a while - they definitely help with my binges. They are less frequent (believe it or not!) I couldn't lose weight not on them because I binged A LOT.

    It's almost like the chicken and the egg thing....does depression cause the binge eating or does the binge eating cause the depression? Sometimes I'm not sure!