PMS and hypothyroid

Ktbug613 Posts: 33 Member
Does anyone else notice a worsening of symptoms around the time of their menstrual cycle? When my meds aren't working my symptoms are almost unbearable at that time, when my meds are working I feel great for three weeks and then feel like Im on no meds during the fourth week...Im just curious if there is a relation or if perhaps PMS just mimicks thyroid problems....


  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    PMS, bad periods, infertility, etc. are all symptoms of hypothyroidism that is not properly treated.

    Here's a long list of symptoms of hypothyroidism:

    Most doctors don't recognize that these symptoms are connected to the thyroid because they don't treat our symptoms, they treat our TSH lab levels.

    I can't really tell you how to resolve it or if being on natural dessicated thyroid will help you, but my experience on years of Synthroid is that it did not resolve any of my symptoms. I had low body temperature, inability to lose weight, cold hands/feet, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insomnia, constipation, hair falling out, dry skin and a number of other symptoms all the years I was on Synthroid. After 3 months on Armour, nearly all those symptoms are gone.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I know that when I was taking birth control pills, my hypo symptoms seemed worse. Now that I'm off the birth control pills, my periods/PMS symptoms are a little worse, but the rest of the month I feel a lot more energetic.

    I have no idea how it all works, but I do know that thyroid hormones and female hormones affect each other.
  • Ktbug613
    Ktbug613 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the responses! Good to Know im not imagining this. I have a doctors appointment next week. Im going to bring up Armour and see if I can switch.