DAY 30!!!

colorlessgreen Posts: 173 Member
One workout left for me -- some of you may already be done! I'll be posting my measurements and pictures tomorrow. :)


  • jreed1920
    jreed1920 Posts: 123
    Woohoo I am finished!! Thank you so much for starting this group and sticking it out. I feel fantastic. I posted some photos on my profile, definitely see some changes. I will be doing my measurements in a little bit.

    Bring on Insanity!!!! :devil:
  • Wottie72
    Wottie72 Posts: 55 Member
    Well my weight is more or less the same but I'd already reached my target weight and was excercising lots anyway. No real change in measurements but my arms and shoulders definately more defined. My stomach is definately stronger and I feel fit and can chase after my boys no problem and even though I'm going through a stressful divorce those exercise endorphins have helped me to keep calm. 6 week six pack tomorrow.

    Have enjoyed doing this with you all and wish you sucess for the for your mfp journeys x
