Clarifying amount of protein needed

I just wanted to comment, that I've seen everyone here say to get 1g of protein per pound of body weight, but in reality all the info. points to 1g of protein per lb. of LEAN body weight. So, once you know your BF %, you should aim to get enough protein for your LEAN mass, not total weight.



  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Interesting that you pointed this out. I just read the same exact thing about eating 1 g of protein per lean body weight!! Wondering about thoughts on this as well!
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Another one I've heard is 1g per lb of your GOAL weight (whether you are bulking or losing). When i set my macros to 40/30/30, the result is about halfway between my goal weight and my current weight. I'm not hardly ever hitting that though, but I feel good that I have increased from less than 30/day to over 100/day.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Another one I've heard is 1g per lb of your GOAL weight (whether you are bulking or losing). When i set my macros to 40/30/30, the result is about halfway between my goal weight and my current weight. I'm not hardly ever hitting that though, but I feel good that I have increased from less than 30/day to over 100/day.

    Interesting. With my macros at 40/30/30, my protein is about what my goal weight is. However, it's pretty darn hard to hit 136g. of protein daily. Now, getting to around 110-115 (my lean mass), it's a bit easier, but I still have to do protein shakes to get there.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    According to ISSA cert program it is 1gr per lb of bodywgt. I also checked a few other sites and found the same info. I did find sites promoting the above mentioned. I will continue to state 1gr per lb of bodyweight. How do you know what your weight of lean muscle mass is? What percentage is bone, fluids, fat, organs etc?
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    According to ISSA cert program it is 1gr per lb of bodywgt. I also checked a few other sites and found the same info. I did find sites promoting the above mentioned. I will continue to state 1gr per lb of bodyweight. How do you know what your weight of lean muscle mass is? What percentage is bone, fluids, fat, organs etc?

    I guess I was figuring if I have 24% body fat, then 24% of my weight of 149 is roughly 35, subtracted from my weight would equal 114, which is my lean body mass (including everything BUT the fat).

    I'm all about more protein, so I'm not trying to argue. I just think the recommendation of 1g per lb. is meant for those trying to bulk, and for intense fitness levels. There's definetly no arguing the need for extra protein in rebuilding muscle, and I'm certainly going to try and get as much as I can per day.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    According to ISSA cert program it is 1gr per lb of bodywgt. I also checked a few other sites and found the same info. I did find sites promoting the above mentioned. I will continue to state 1gr per lb of bodyweight. How do you know what your weight of lean muscle mass is? What percentage is bone, fluids, fat, organs etc?

    I guess I was figuring if I have 24% body fat, then 24% of my weight of 149 is roughly 35, subtracted from my weight would equal 114, which is my lean body mass (including everything BUT the fat).

    I'm all about more protein, so I'm not trying to argue. I just think the recommendation of 1g per lb. is meant for those trying to bulk, and for intense fitness levels. There's definetly no arguing the need for extra protein in rebuilding muscle, and I'm certainly going to try and get as much as I can per day.

    Oh my not being taken as such, it is a forum open to discussion;-)

    But during the weightloss process and especially when low caling, muscle tissue is lost. The way to help curb such loss is eating protein. Now when you are trying to lose and are lifting weights you need to supply your body with sufficient protein. Actually when trying to bulk you need to eat a higher ratio (more like 1.3gr - 2gr depending on who you're reading). But for most here, we are trying to burn fat and hopefully not lose too much muscle in the process. To do that we have to get in more protein...and a good rule of thumb is a gr per lb of bodyweight.