Struggling with Food Choices today...

gerbies Posts: 444 Member
The day is still early, but I'm struggling with food choices today (I haven't had this issue since I started JMBR 5 weeks ago). When I went to get a coffee, I bought and ATE a chocolate chip muffin. WHAT is wrong with me? I already did workout 5 today, so I started the day well, but now I'm feeling VERY "emotionally" hungry.

I am not sure if it's the frustration with not losing a ton of weight this past week, or feeling bloated (it will be TOM any second now), or not feeling satisfied with my food splurge yesterday, but I can feel myself on the cusp of a full-on day of unhealthy eating. UGH.

I have the day off work today, so I'm trying to decide how to avoid all of this today...


  • Ug! That's the worst! Especially now that your conscience of it! Is there any fun pinterest projects you want to do? I didi a few yesterday and it totally took my mind off food! TOM is killer too.. You'll be in my thoughts today! Go do something fun! :) keep me posted!
  • hiitrocks
    hiitrocks Posts: 100
    I feel you. TOM for me too and I have not been making the best choices...always have a good breakfast, lunch and dinner but have been snacking quite bad....
  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    The day is not a total loss (and a chocolate chip muffin is not the worst thing in the world). Just plan your lunch, snack and dinner carefully. Keep moving forward!
  • mals422
    mals422 Posts: 41
    I can completely relate!

    Try to get out of the house today. Distance yourself from possible food splurges, and go to a park, or a museum, or shopping (if you can avoid the food court!). Shopping might actually be a great solution. Trying on new clothes (even if you don't buy any) has a great way of both showing you how far you've come, and how far you still want to go!
  • I can completely relate!

    Try to get out of the house today. Distance yourself from possible food splurges, and go to a park, or a museum, or shopping (if you can avoid the food court!). Shopping might actually be a great solution. Trying on new clothes (even if you don't buy any) has a great way of both showing you how far you've come, and how far you still want to go!

    ooooo! I like this! Good idea!!
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. I too, enjoy the occasional chocolate (insert decadent thing here) and I enjoy every bite. But then you say "That was FABULOUS!" and move on!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    It's still early in the day and you have plenty of hours to make up for it! Plus, eating a chocolate chip muffin isn't the worst thing in the world!

    I like what other's here have suggested to you....Pinterest is a great time suck and helps when I feel bored and want to eat. I have tons of projects saved and so I'll try do a couple of them if I have time. Or just get out for a walk, if you can.

    Just keep moving forward!! You can do this!!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for your kind words and advice. My day hasn't been "perfect", but I know we all have days like this (perhaps it's good to allow yourself some indulgences once in a while). I have to remember that people who who live healthy lives and maintain a healthy weight also have times when they indulge in something "unhealthy". They react by just moving on with their lives; it shouldn't be a catastrophe. I'm feeling better about my choices. And who knows, maybe the one day increase in calories will help with the weight loss? O.k., I know it's a long shot, but I can always
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    TOM is upon me and yesterday was not a great day for me either. I actually bought donuts when I ran into the store to buy carrots, fruit and more bread...oops. But honestly. It is life and for me the longer I try to deny myself something - the more I want it and the uglier I'll get until that craving is met. I take a not so great day in stride. It's life and if I beat myself up too bad I'll beat myself into quitting all of it really. If I need anyone's support the most it's me ya know what I mean. So shake it off and start off each day a little better :)
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Not sure what the he11 is wrong with me. I continued to make poor choices since yesterday. It's not like I'm sitting around feeding my face, but I didn't bring my lunch to work today, so I got a panini in the cafeteria at work. I got a bagel from breakfast. Last night I had chinese food. I know a day or two is not going to kill me, but I don't want this to stretch into a new day. I just posted to vent...I know I just need to accept and move on and make the right choice at the next meal. I just don't know why I'm doing this...