New to the group and 1 month on MFP.

Hey all, been on MFP for 1 month. Lost 12.5 lbs so far. Everyone at work dropped out. Wanna be able share in mine and others success.


  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    hmmm .. I'm questioning if you're really overweight bud... saw your profile.. uncomfortable bending over to tie shoes..." I never bend over to tie my shoes.. I've always thought that's one way to identify a fat person (or formerly fat person) their/our shoe laces are tied on the inside cos we grab a pantleg and hoist our leg up over our knee and tie. tie NEVER sits on top of foot. (just funnin obviously but check it out some time)
  • js25698
    js25698 Posts: 42 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss and congratulations on being the sole survivor from your work buddies!!!
  • AllyOoz
    AllyOoz Posts: 2
    wow. congrats bud. whats your secret for losing 12.5lbs in 1 month??

    i recently joined too. my aim is to lose 5lbs a month to start with.

  • 1992jeepwrangler
    Thanks for the kudos. I'm really sticking to my 1590 calories per day limit. I try to stay slightly under that and have been doing a lot better at walking. Tried to start jogging but an old knee injury doesn't make that possible. Good luck on your goal. Keep me posted.
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    +1 Kudos JeepWrangler.

    I'm just a few days short of 1 month on MFP. Down 12lbs (woo-hoo!) to 236 - delighted with that. When I started I put in "Lose 1 lb a week" and nothing happend. Then i changed to "Lose 2lbs a week" and the scales started moving. Similar to you - I get 1480 calories a day and have never (yet) gone over that. I bought a small kitchen scales and try to be as honest as possible with the measurements. I also joined an instructor-led Gym session 30min 3 times a week and do something (bike/jog) 2 other days a week.
  • 1992jeepwrangler
    Thats great. The longer I'm on MFP the easier it gets to watch portion size and be true to myself in filling out my diary. The biggest shock after I started a dairy was how over I was on portion size. AUGH!! I still hate to exercise so I really try to be under my calorie limit.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Thats great. The longer I'm on MFP the easier it gets to watch portion size and be true to myself in filling out my diary. The biggest shock after I started a dairy was how over I was on portion size. AUGH!! I still hate to exercise so I really try to be under my calorie limit.
    r u getting better at eyeballing portions? easier to recognize 4 ounces of meat and stuff?
  • 1992jeepwrangler
    Yeah, I think I'm getting better at guessing portion size. I'm looking in the mirror and feeling better about myself.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Yeah, I think I'm getting better at guessing portion size. I'm looking in the mirror and feeling better about myself.
    terrific. I'm at a hard spot now....