Oh My!

missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
This topic was started just a few days ago and there are already 9 pages of it. After reading one page, I thought I'd run back here and post it for us all to see. Oh my! There is such a canyon of divide separating folks from SAD-ing and low carbers. Wow. It sure riles people up. I'm not one for controversy. I'm not one that likes to get into arguments online because of my eating choices. This is why I've found a haven in the Paleo/Primal world on MFP and haven't ventured out to the main threads in a while....til this one caught my eye. I'm racing back there to read more, but I probably won't post...I guess I'm not wanting to ignite their flame war any further



  • jparker12379
    jparker12379 Posts: 99 Member
    I am no toucing that topic on the message board.

    I don't know if carbs make everyone FAT but I know Carbs do not get along with my body
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    I stopped reading at page 7, then jumped to the end (now up to 11 pages), and it's all the same. I'm particularly amused by some posters replying to others by taking one bit out of context and reposting.

    In the end, I think it truly does come down to finding the path that works best for you. For me, it's eating cleanly and following the paleo/primal/keto ways of eating just help to reinforce avoiding the stuff that I know does not serve my body right now.

    One wise poster did elude to that fact: that in the end, it comes down to discovering what works best for you. That person was, of course, ignored.

  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    Some people are so argumentative..
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    It's always the same people arguing too- you would think at this point they would just agree to disagree.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    I agree with all of you!

    It truly is a matter of finding what works for you. Sometimes that is a long process, it was for me. Some people are lucky in that they can chow down on carbs and still lose weight. Doing just that in moderation in Feb and March is what I think made me gain those 6 lbs. My carbs intake was usually between 75g-100g per day. That is low carb according to some people, but I think it's what made me gain weight. I'll never know for sure. I do know since going into ketosis just over 3 weeks ago, my weight is going down. I'll take it!

    It's been worth it for me to keep trying, keep adjusting, keep on. Being consistent hasn't quite been the word as my diet has varied, but being awake and aware for over 6 months is keeping me on the path. I read and read and read and try to fill my brain with info about our bodies...I think this is when my obssessive personality is actually triggered for good use, whew!