Eating more to weigh less WITHOUT weights?

I was just wondering if there is anyone who is on this path of eating more to weigh less who does NOT lift weights? I happen to really enjoy cardio, kickboxing classes and the Ab machines...for me, it's "mindless" and really meets my exercise needs: stress relief and energized.

However, with this lower carb eating (which is what it seems to be...correct me if I'm wrong) on "eating more" and weight lifting as the main exercise directive, do you think the higher calories works the same if your exercise of choice is running/cardio? I am GUESSING yes, but just don't see many people posting that their main/sole form of exercise is running/walking .

Would love to hear from anyone who has been doing this "eat more", doing cardio, and is actually "weighing less" :wink:


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Eating more can be done with or without weights, we just recommend them for best results. Have you watched the "excess cardio" vid? All exercise is valuable, but your body can adapt to the cardio and you can stop seeing results. Plus, many people are going for a specific "look" which won't occur w/just cardio. So we suggest including both, but it certainly not "required." Each person's journey is their own, so you make it work for you :flowerforyou:

    But.... I guess my big question is: why are your carbs low? This isn't a low carb plan. :huh:

  • Eating more can be done with or without weights, we just recommend them for best results. Have you watched the "excess cardio" vid? All exercise is valuable, but your body can adapt to the cardio and you can stop seeing results. Plus, many people are going for a specific "look" which won't occur w/just cardio. So we suggest including both, but it certainly not "required." Each person's journey is their own, so you make it work for you :flowerforyou:

    But.... I guess my big question is: why are your carbs low? This isn't a low carb plan. :huh:

    I hate to say I haven't gotten the book, SO all my info is from reading the threads as much as I can (which is pretty much all free minutes :)) So, in regard to the low carb eating perception, it seemed most encouragements are to eat: nuts, oil, peanut butter, protein, to up those calories...I haven't gotten to read the specific suggestions in the book, but just thought it seems "lower" carb.

    I'm not trying to low carb was really just a perception of what I had thinking is higher protein leads to lower (NOT no) carbs just because you eat meat instead of cereal (when you have the choice)...I am just trying to make higher protein choices, such as a hard boiled egg with my fruit and coffee for breakfast...a salad with protein over a sandwich...pork roast, salad and fruit versus meatloaf and potatoes :)...not eliminating the calories I save for 2 homemade chocolate chip cookies though :love:

    (I'm sure I'm opening a whole new can of worms here...:blushing: ) I'm sure your food diary is open, right? What do you eat? Do you think the general thinking on this is not lower carb (again, not meaning "low carb/Atkins" here, just lower carb than what some of us might be drawn to....)

    I DO plan on watching that video when I get home today, after schooling the kids....the suggestion rings true in my head that cardio can limit the losses, but I know there have got to be some people who have had it work too as they do this EM2WL...

    As always, I appreciate your response and I'll watch the video :happy:
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    No ma'am! This is absolutely NOT a low carb thing! We are trying to give people their lives BACK, not put them in bondage.

    I ADORE carbs, lol. We don't advocate cutting out ANY food groups unless directed to by a doctor. We only recommend the healthy fats, to those who are having a hard time getting in all of their cals, because fat is more calorie dense. So it's the go-to option if you don't know how else to up the cals.

    Fats are 9 cals per gram, while carbs and protein are 4 cals per gram. So it's just a helpful mechanism to get those cals up, and good fats are great for hair, skin, nails and a variety of other important bodily functions.

    But that info is only for those whose bodies have adapted so much to lower cals that they feel stuffed to eat more *quantities* of food, not to those that can get it in no problem (like me, I have no problem meeting my cal intake, lol)

    The original stickies give 40/30/30 (c/p/f) as a starting point for macros. So carbs are higher than anything else :wink:

    PLEASE DON'T go low carb :flowerforyou:

    Be sure to read the actual stickies, too, as I talk about how low carb is not good in the upping cals and what to expect thread, and Lucia addresses the 40/30/30 in the TDEE sticky.

    It's not even about the book. The book is just recommended reading to help you understand a few of the concepts of the group, but the group is not *based on* the book. But on that note, I *would* check out your local library for it, it helps you to understand the weights vs cardio, which was the original question, lol.....

  • LOL! That's exactly what I was thinking when I was leaving for Bible Study...that I had gotten us off on a bunny trail from weights vs. cardio to carbs vs. fats :)

    So, I haven't seen anyone respond that they do cardio only...maybe they are just missing this post? Or maybe I AM all alone here:sad:

    I am definitely on board with NOT cutting out any food group, and in my head, I didn't think that was the goal of this kind of eating, but, it was just what I was pieceing I see the "fat" options were just for upping calories, not for restraining carbs...

    And yes, I too will not have any trouble getting my calories in...I know how to eat well/healthy, and I know how to eat a LOT of it :laugh:

    SO, on the weight lifting side, I know you work out at do you suggest getting over the intimidation of going over to that male dominated side and starting to lift weights with confidence and effectiveness? Do you do weights everyday? (again, I should probably just post another topic here...starting another bunny trail...:tongue: )
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    There's a book?? LMAO. I didn't know there was a book. I just happened to stumble in here one day and it all made sense to me.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    There's a book?? LMAO. I didn't know there was a book. I just happened to stumble in here one day and it all made sense to me.

    Same here!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member

    So, I haven't seen anyone respond that they do cardio only...maybe they are just missing this post? Or maybe I AM all alone here:sad:

    Hi there

    i am new to all this strength training/weights thing so i have not been doing any ... but i have also just started on here and so need to learn more ... i like you like my cardio and i am 30 day shred which is light weights i guess but i don't no if classed under what these ladies are into
    I don't have any results as yet as just started out but i will keep you posted.
    Your not alone! :)
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    There's a book?? LMAO. I didn't know there was a book. I just happened to stumble in here one day and it all made sense to me.

    Lol. No there is no book. At least not that we've finished writing yet, ROFL :tongue:

    I think she was referring to NROLFW since it is sometimes recommended to those who are new to lifting weights, to give some basic info on strength training.
