6 week assessment - change, hold, or...

I began upping my calories six weeks ago to ~1900 (I jumped right in). As close as I can figure my tdee is 2300 (between moderate and very active) and my bmr is 1415. I had lost approx 30 lbs 3 years ago and then gain most back. In January began exercising again and just not eating as much and lost 10# and then stopped (that was mostly just the weight I put on over the holidays). I did mfp for a few weeks at 1200 (which was close to what I was doing when I lost 30# 3 years ago on weight watchers). But I couldn't stand the thought of eating only 1200 for the rest of my life! Plus, I was exhausted so I knew my body needed more. My search on eating more landed me in this group.

Here are my stats:

Age: 43 (well on Saturday I will be)
Ht: 5'7"
CW: 150
GW: 130??ish

Measurements at start of uppping on 3/20/12:
W 31
LT 25
RT 24
H 42

on 4/6/12
W 29 3/4
LT 25
RT 24
H 41

on 5/1/12
W 29 1/4
LT 25
RT 24
H 40 1/2

I haven't gained or lost any weight. I had a few days where I would go up after a high sodium day or two, but that would always go down. I feel firmer all around, but not necessarily slimmer. My thighs are my trouble area and they haven't budged. :/

I exercise 6 days a week. I do 30 minutes on my elliptical for approx 400 calories (according to the readout on my machine) and 30 minutes of strength training.

During my six weeks I have had a vacation and my son's wedding, so those were likely above the 1900 mark but I didn't really go crazy. I did have one crazy day this weekend where I totally pigged. Gah!

Most exercise days I am netting close to my bmr. However, only in the past two weeks or so have I been able to get my macros close to correct (1st perfect day yesterday). It has been an extreme learning curve for me to get the protein in. Plus, my body had to adjust to processing all the protein. I think I am finally at a good balance there. So perhaps I am really not as far along as I think I am because of not hitting the protein. hmmm...

So I am wondering if I should stay with the same routine for now, up my calories a bit or possibly slow down on the cardio. Any input would be welcome.


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Wow, good for you, taking your measurements! You are shrinking away over there, lady!!

    My legs are the last place to lose as well, so I wouldn't stress about that as much. How many leg days are you doing?

    If you're seeking to make a change (although you're not doing too bad, as is) I would *either* drop some cardio, *or * raise the cals. If you're working out that many days/wk for an hour, you are very active. I'll say that you are doing really well though to have had all those events thrown in the mix, as well. How nice that you can live your life, enjoy those events and still have a smaller waist and hips! That's good stuff :wink:

    Try this calculator that gives you your numbers based on total amount of hours you workout per week:

    Remember that the tape is just as important (maybe more-so than the scale). So be sure to check out some of the vids about excess cardio, etc., and we will be adding more as time goes on, that explain the different principles. But I'd say you're doing just fine.

    If you haven't already, be sure to check out this thread, to see what I mean about the scale vs. tape measure:

  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    For my strength training I do abs & legs one day and abs & arms the next. So three days of each. I am do abs/core every day because I am trying to strengthen my back (bulging disc).

    I have watched ALL the videos...I am like an info junkie at this point.

    I have seen the scooby calc before and I think I am pretty close to target with my calculations. I am also trying a 24 hour track with this one: http://www.health-calc.com/diet/energy-expenditure-advanced

    I guess I may hold for a couple of weeks more before making a change since I am just now figuring out how to hit the macros. Thanks for the input.
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    How nice that you can live your life, enjoy those events and still have a smaller waist and hips! That's good stuff :wink:

    Ya know, you're right! Thanks for that and all the work you do on this forum. Be blessed!