savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member
AFFIRMATION: Today I am drinking more water because my brain is composed of 85 percent water! I don't want toxic thoughts so I'm going to flush them out! :laugh: My muscles are composed of 75 percent water, and I need them to operate properly while I excercise! I am drinking more water because I realize how vital it is to my overall health!!

JUST THOUGHT I'D SHARE: I drink two or three 16.9 ounce bottles first thing in the morning after brushing my teeth.

Sort of a mini cleanse because I usually eliminate very soon after.

By the end of the day I consume 10 -11 bottles...sometimes more.

I try to drink two bottles an hour before each meal, and one before I go to bed.

Developed this habit about ten years ago when I was having some very serious digestive challenges.

This challenge has been defeated!

Jordan Rubin believes that we should drink half of our body weight in ounces. This has worked tremendously for me!!

Example: If you weigh 200 pounds...divide by 2.....equals 100 pounds....so drink 100 ounces of water for the day.

Have an awesome day!!

I must note: This has worked for me, but we all know our own body, so do what is best for you!

Being unique is an awesome blessing!

Lots of love!!! :heart:

((hugs) :drinker:


  • hollyberry2012
    Ha!!! you crack me up girl....

    Okay, drinking more water..but TODAY i'm drinking coffee as much as I want..and also water :) Tomorrow I will be pooped out on Coffee anyways..oops..pardon that pun! I can't drink 17 cups of water a day..but I will try to get 10!!!!oh dear..I'm going to be pottying till the cows come home...hahaha
  • savedchild8
    savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member
    :flowerforyou: My dear Holly....You are to funny!