Scared/Terrified to "Eat More to Weigh Less"

jennys11 Posts: 118 Member
I want to eat more to weigh less. However, I am terrified to do it. Please encourage, help, guide, and share your stories. I need to do it. But for some reason I can't wrap my head around it and I'm afraid. Someone just push me. How has eating more benefited your weight loss?


  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Its super scary.. but eventually your body will thank you for it..

    Jump in with both feet!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I understand the fear. I felt the same way initially. But everything I read in this forum (and other areas) convinced me that this was the right way for me.

    I feel so much more energetic now...I feel stronger.

    I've lost inches and pounds (although it did take 6 weeks to see a loss on the scale instead of just the typical same gain/loss).

    Look at this what you're doing at the present time working for you? There's a reason you've come to this group. Maybe give this a try and see how it works for you. You have nothing to lose (except for inches and pounds!!)
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    15 day now for me eating 2200 calories a day: haven't take any pounds ! I know it can be scary because this is the opposite of what we always heard. But when I look at my slim friends....they eat ! Oh my god, they eat. They are always eating ! Something must be going on there no ?

    Jump in. You can do it :)
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    It really is terrifying! I wasn't running at a severe deficit for long so my process took 2 weeks from upping my calories to seeing the scale move again. I know some ladies have a longer road than that. My energy level increased and I was able to get better results from my workouts. In that 2 weeks I lost 4 inches overall. Take measurements! The scale was not my friend but my clothes and the tape told a different story. I also strongly encourage you to jump in with both feet! Trust that treating your body kindly is best. Feed your cells. You will light your metabolism on fire and it will burn hot and fast. Don't be discouraged by the process. KNOW you are doing a wonderful thing for yourself. Jump in and don't give up before the miracle happens. Good luck to you!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I know it is scary, but I tried everything else and had no choice but to try something I never tried...eating more. So thankful I did. Please feel free to friend me and take a look at my progress pics. Hopefully that will encourage you to give it a go! Lucia
  • jennys11
    jennys11 Posts: 118 Member
    Thank you all for your words, I really needed to hear it! I don't know why "eating more" seems so "scary" - I definitely will do it. I have a bodybugg and it says to eat 2000 calories a day and burn a total of 2500 calories day to lose 1lb a week (and if I burn more than 2500, I need to eat more). Are you kidding me? Eat 2,000 calories a day? I used to eat 1200 calories to lose weight. I actually felt a little excited to eat more. Maybe add some more nuts with my fruit or not be scared to eat a snack between bfast/lunch. I can do this, I just need to wrap my head around the fact that eating more really can benefit your body. Thank you for the support.
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Good luck. This is the 1st week that I have been trying to increase my calories. I have always been around 1100- 1200. Trying to slowly move up to 1600-1800. It's not easy. I am fine with the mind set it is eating all that extra food! Just know you are not alone and that we are doing what is best for us in the long run.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Good luck! It is hard getting over the mental block. We have all been there, and some of us are still struggling with letting our minds go.. But it makes sense, honestly:)

    As for getting your calorie intake up, it takes a few weeks to adjust to eating more, but start with getting rid of the fat free, sugar free products.. eat real cheese, milk, yogurts... add nuts to your diet.. get in some good oils.. have a protein shake. its amazing how quickly you will find that you can hit your target daily..
    I went from about 1400 to 2400 over the course of about 8 weeks, and now most days I am hitting my target without any troubles.. the hard part is hitting your target without adding the total junk back in:)
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    I've been "eating more" for almost 3 weeks now, and in that time, I've lost about 12lbs! Some of it was weight that I actually PUT ON when I cut my cals down to 1200! I started my weight loss journey about 4.5wks ago, and when I started, I just went to eating healthy, good food every 2-3hrs, but I wasn't counting cals. I lost 5lbs in the first week, so I figured if I cut my cals I'd lose even more, SO WRONG! After 4 days of being hungry right when I got done eating and barely making it to 2hrs between meals, I found this group, and jumped in with both feet! At first, I set MFP to my BMR (1800 cals) and then ate back all my exercise cals, then after about a week and a half, I just upped it to the middle ground of my TDEE cut, 2300. Upping to a steady 2300 and eating every 2hrs, and I've lost 6lbs just since that point!

    I'm definitely the "exception" to the rule and I also didn't eat low for very long, but I just wanted you to know you can def lose while eating more!!
  • paxier
    paxier Posts: 59 Member
    thank you for this thread! This is my for week of eating more calories and hell yes its scary. :ohwell:
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    I am just wrapping my head around this theory but it is not new to me. The more I read and listen to advice here and from some very good friends I realize that this is exactly what my personal trainer was telling me not so long ago! One of those light bulb/aha moments I suppose.

    I am really excited to be starting this. Today I figured out my TDEE and my BMR. I adjusted the numbers on my food goals. I tried hard to make good choices. I think I have a good start. I need to take my measurements. I need to figure out a new lifting routine as I have not done any weight training in about 6 weeks so I need to get back into that. Look out gym!

    My hope is that I can feed my body with some great healthy foods, get toned because I love lifting and how it makes me feel.

    I don't want to let fear take over.