Day 2



  • Caitella
    Caitella Posts: 29 Member
    Ah guys I did day 1 yesterday morning and can tell you how sore my thighs still are. I can't sit down, I can't stand up. I can't walk up or down the stairs. My hubby n kids are laughing at the way I'm walking/hobbling. I've actually just taken 2 ibuprofen so that I can think about tackling day 2 in about an hour. I feel so determined not to miss a day. Please someone tell me that 1. I'll get through it 2. the pain will have eased a bit by tomorrow....please!!!!!
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    beckysummer burned 229 calories doing 25 minutes of "Circuit training, general"

    Is this what everyone else is using for their exercise????
    I've been using 20 minutes of Calisthenics, vigorous effort.

  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    Ah guys I did day 1 yesterday morning and can tell you how sore my thighs still are. I can't sit down, I can't stand up. I can't walk up or down the stairs. My hubby n kids are laughing at the way I'm walking/hobbling. I've actually just taken 2 ibuprofen so that I can think about tackling day 2 in about an hour. I feel so determined not to miss a day. Please someone tell me that 1. I'll get through it 2. the pain will have eased a bit by tomorrow....please!!!!!
    Pain is good...then you know two things: 1. It's working. 2. You're not dead.
    You can do this! You will get through this. Remember, that which does not kill us, gives us ammo to kick it's A** later.
    Besides, Pain will subside and the feelings of Accomplishment will dull any pain!
  • pattyp9983
    pattyp9983 Posts: 14
    I just finished day 3, I'm RI30 and am alternating between week 1 and week 2. I was doing week 1 again today and did pretty good. Each time I do it is easier, okay so not "easier", it still sucks, but it's suppose to right? Anyway I am a little worried about doing it tomorrow since I have to work tonight and will be doing it when I come home after my 12 hour shift at 5am! See, I have to stay up anyway to get the boy up for school at 6:30 so I try to workout since I am up anyway. God knows it's worse if I try to get up early and do it on only like 5 hours sleep! Plus I have a work meeting tomorrow and will have to be up by 1pm!
    Okay people, if I can do this, so can you! Thanks for keeping me motivated to keep at it!!
  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    I'm on day 8 and I called Jillian a few not nice words while doing the bicycle crunches last night :blushing:

    Haha! I do the Shred in my kitchen with my laptop on the counter which is perfect height to punch her in the face, haha. But really, I love her.
  • aasshhll33yy
    Just finished the second day. Bicycle crunches suck!! I work with kids all day, had no issues keeping up with them and running around, but the moment I got home to do the workout, my body tensed up.. lol.. great times-- I was able to push through it as I've been working out anyway regularly, the jello feeling left my body shortly after. about ready to go for a bike ride.. on another not.. bicycle crunches still suck 2nd day in!!! I want them to go away... and the push ups..I have no upper body strength to support myself, I fail those.. hopefully it gets better!! :) Good work everyone! :)
  • hmerri
    hmerri Posts: 54 Member
    Day 2 done, although,'s day 4 for me since I did it twice last week. So, I am feeling a bit better during cardio. I too have a heck of a time with push ups...even the girl ones. I suck!! But, pushing on and I know I'll see progress if I just stick with it. Overall, I can tell I've improved. I do feel better all day long from working out. So nice!! Go us!
  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    Day 2 of the 30 DS HRM 179 calories... I wasn't so bad today I was able to control my breathing. Circuit 1 I always have to modify the push ups.
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    Major NSV today!! I had some pretty substantial dental work done today, early afternoon, so I hadn't worked out yet. When I got home I was drained and a little sore, but I still did the Shred. Any time in the past, going to the dentist would have definitely been reason enough for me to take off the day from exercising!

    So excited to see changes that aren't just "weight" related, but rather ones that point to a positive life change!!

    Thanks for the support everyone!
